Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Quesnel Council Highlights - May 16th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Miss Quesnel Self Development Society
The following 2017 Miss Quesnel Royalty candidates, and their sponsors, were formally recognized at a banner presentation ceremony:  Alexi Christieson (Miss QTax), Loraine Marshall (Miss Quesnel Music), Danica Mailloux (Miss Super Save Gas), Grace Pontius (Miss Savalas Steak House), Avery Drew (Miss West Quesnel Business Improvement Association), Jesse Janzen (Miss CIBC) and Mierie Sabbarwal, Quesnel's BC Ambassador candidate.

Strategic Priorities Fund
The Federal government will receive grant applications until June 1, 2017 for the Strategic Priorities Fund that can fund up to 100% of infrastructure project costs up to a maximum of $6 million.  Council has authorized two projects for this program’s consideration.  The first project is for an Arts and Recreation Centre Renovation project with estimated costs of $6 million.  The second is for a Gymnastics Facility Project, proposed to be located at the Soccer Complex, with estimated costs of $6 million.

Off-Leash Dog Park 
Council has approved first reading for the proposed rezoning, from Multi Family Dwelling to Park, regarding the proposed Off-Leash Dog Park for Carson Field located between Nadeau Street and the Quesnel River.  There will be a public consultation for the general public to discuss the details of this proposed dog park at the Legion on Wednesday, June 7, 2017 from 5 – 7 pm.  There will be a Public Hearing on Tuesday, June 20, 2017 at 7 pm at City Hall Council Chambers.

City’s Quarterly Report
The City’s Quarterly Report for Quarter 1 of 2017 is now available on the City’s website.  This report outlines the City’s 2017 Strategic Plan updates as well as Quarter 1 highlights from all City departments.

2017 Road Rehabilitation / Overlay Paving Program
This year’s Road Rehabilitation and Overlay Paving Program will consist of the following areas:
-          Moffat Bridge Approach from McLean Street to Bridge
-          Marsh Drive from west end of Moffat Bridge to Elliott Street
-          Baker Drive from English Avenue to Foster Avenue
-          Gook Road from Hydraulic Road to start of Sewer Line Installation Project/Re-Paving
-          Neighbour Road from Enemark Road to Thompson Road

Purchasing Policy
As of June 1, 2017, the City will have a new Purchasing Policy to addresses the following issues:  local preference in purchasing, living wage, supplier relationship, recent reports and recommendations/suggestions on purchasing by the Auditor General for Local Government and Ombudsperson, and review of the procurement toolkit produced by the Local Government Management Association/Government Finance Officers Association of British Columbia.  Please visit the City’s website for full viewing of this new policy.

BC Rural Dividend – Third Intake
The City will apply for a BC Rural Dividend grant for the Quesnel Place-Making Project that will incorporate the City’s new brand for the following signage types:  Gateway, Trailhead and Directional, Wayfinding, Kiosk/Information Boards, Neighbourhood and Park.  This project is estimated to cost $125,000, with the City to cover $25,000 and, with a successful grant application, BC Rural Dividend Fund would cover $100,000.  This project is meant to attract tourists to not only stop in Quesnel, but to encourage staying in for extended visit(s) to our community.

Award of Contract – Pinecrest Reservoir Tank
STT Enviro Corp, based out of Richmond, B.C., has been awarded the $874,000 (plus taxes) contract to design, supply and install the Pinecrest Reservoir tank.  The City has received grant funding from the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund for the Pinecrest Drinking Water Storage and Supply Upgrades totalling $3,608,900 and includes:  the Pinecrest Reservoir Tank, the Pinecrest Booster Station, and installation of a second supply pipe.

Moffat Street Bridge Deck Repairs
Council approved additional funds for repair work to the Moffat Street Bridge deck, as part of the bridge’s preventative maintenance program, to be completed in 2017. Estimated cost for this work is $48,000.

Bylaw 1824 – Off Leash Dog Park – Zone Amendment – First Reading and Set Public Hearing Date for 7 pm, Tuesday, June 20, 2017 at City Hall Council Chambers
Bylaw 1825 – 605 Doherty Drive – Zone Amendment – Third Reading
Bylaw 1826 – Repeal Purchasing Bylaw 1726 – First Three Readings

Next Meetings - 7 pm, May 23rd and June 6th - Regular Council Meeting

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