Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Quesnel Council Highlights - May 2nd mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

“Don’t Close the Doors Campaign”
Michelle Godfrey, Quesnel Students' Representative, and Carman Hill, Quesnel Office Services Coordinator, of the College of New Caledonia, presented information regarding the lobbying effort requesting the Provincial government to reinstate funding for adults wanting to: complete their high school studies, upgrade their high school courses, and/or seeking to improve basic literary or numeracy skills. Council agreed to send a letter of support regarding this campaign.

Community Wildfire Protection Planning
The City has applied for grant funding from the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM), through the Strategic Wildfire Prevention Initiative, to update the Quesnel and area’s 2007 Community Wildfire Protection Plan.  The costs to update the Quesnel and Area Wildfire Protection Plan is $44,000.  If the grant application is successful, the Union of British Columbia Municipalities would provide $33,000 in grant funding and the Cariboo-Chilcotin Beetle Action Coalition would provide $11,000 for this initiative.

The aim of a Community Wildfire Protection Plan is to better protect the community from the risk of wildfires through a two-phased approach.  The first-phase will be to update the fuel management prescriptions in the Area of Interest for the Community Wildfire Protection Plan.  The Area of Interest is similar to the 2007 version, but the boundary has been extended to include the Dragon Mountain and Millburn Mountain communication towers, as these communication towers are considered critical infrastructure for the community.  The second-phase will be to complete the actual work on the ground implementing the fuel management prescriptions.  Please visit the City’s website to view the Area of Interest map outlining the Quesnel and Area Community Wildfire Protection Plan boundaries.

Next steps include a May 18th large stakeholder meeting where stakeholders will be invited to give input to the Quesnel and Area Community Wildfire Protection Plan.  This meeting is being organized by the Fraser Basin Council on behalf of the City.

Proposed Spot Rezone Application – 605 Doherty Drive
Council approved first and second reading for a proposed spot-rezoning that would permit the creation of one residential unit on the ground floor specifically for 605 Doherty Drive.  A Public Hearing for this Spot Zone Application is 7 pm on Tuesday, May 16, 2017 at City Hall Council Chambers.
Reid Street Public/Stakeholder Consultations Summary
Since March 29, 2017, the City has held five public engagement sessions, with businesses, stakeholders and the general public, asking for input that is considered when creating the conceptual design for the downtown revitalization of Reid Street (Blocks 100 – 300) and Barlow Avenue (from Reid Street to Front Street).    The Urban Systems Public Consultation Summary Report summarized the project’s design guidelines, that participants at the public consultation sessions considered when giving their input as:
•             Facilitate safe and accessible pedestrian crossings
•             Improve accessibility, street dining and pedestrian opportunities with wider sidewalks
•             Integrate trees and plantings to add interest to street environment and manage runoff
•             Improve street lighting to support evening activities, programming and interest
•             Accommodate pickup trucks and large vehicles typical to Quesnel
•             Reduce the number of parking stalls only if there is a clear benefit
•             Reflect Quesnel’s unique character through public art and performance spaces
•             Improve cyclist and other non-motorized vehicle safety through a shared-lane configuration
•             Preserve one-way north-bound traffic flow
•             Effect appropriate vehicle speeds through traffic calming measures and signage
•             Develop parking strategy that considers surrounding opportunities and transportation alternatives
•             Create a modern aesthetic with natural materials that builds on and evolves elements of the Spirit Square design
•             Remain mindful of maintenance requirements and winter adaptability of streetscape improvement

Next steps include the concept design being brought back to Council that incorporates the public feedback to date and further public consultation of the concept design in June.  This project is scheduled to commence as early as the weather will allow in 2018 and it is expected that construction will last approximately 5 months.

•             Bylaw 1825 – Spot Rezone – 605 Doherty Drive – First and Second Reading/Public Hearing 7 pm May 16th at City Hall Council Chambers

Next Meetings
•             5:30 pm, May 9th – North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee – Rescheduled to 5:30 pm on May 16th
•             7 pm, May 16th - Regular Council Meeting

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