Friday, June 2, 2017

FCM 2017 - Day 2 of 4

Today is Day 2 of 4 of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Convention in Ottawa, ON.  The Full Convention Guide can be viewed here

Day 2 looks like this:

* Delegate Registration
* Off Site Tours
* Opening Ceremony
* Trade Show
* President's Forum -- The Future is Now for Muncipal Leadership
* Various Workshops for Delegates
 * Political Keynote Addresses - Prime Minister Justin Trudeau/Conservative Finance Critic Gerard Deltell (Quebec MP - Louis-Saint-Laurent)
*  Ottawa Mayor's Welcome Reception

The Cariboo RD Delegation (Chair Al Richmond/Directors Steve Forseth, Joan Sorley and Betty Anderson) will also be meeting this morning with Cariboo-Prince George MP Todd Doherty.  We previously met with Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo MP Cathy MacLeod this past Wednesday afternoon

Have a great day!


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