Tuesday, June 6, 2017

NCLGA agrees to withdraw Lieutenant Governor Letter

Courtesy of the North Central Local Government Association:

The Board of the NCLGA has endorsed, unanimously, a motion to rescind the open letter addressed to Her Honour, Lieutenant Governor Guichon, dated June 2nd, 2017. The motion further states that the Board, unanimously, recognizes that the letter should not have been sent.

It was an error to send a letter on behalf of all NCLGA local government members without a thorough vetting by the board members duly elected and appointed by them. The NCLGA Board sincerely regrets this and will be taking immediate action to ensure this does not happen again. Furthermore, the NCLGA Board will be sending an official letter of apology to all NCLGA local government members, all leaders of political parties in the BC Legislature and to Her Honour, Lt. Governor Guichon.

The NCLGA unanimously reaffirms that it is a non-partisan association, and recognizes that the contents of the open letter in question have been perceived as partisan, inappropriate and untimely. The NCLGA Board remains committed to promoting the social, environmental, and economic well-being of all NCLGA members, and emphatically states that it will work equally with all stakeholders, decision makers, and elected representatives to that end.

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