Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Quesnel Council Highlights - June 27th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Single-Use Plastic Bags
Quesnel concerned student, Maya Knauf, provided Council with information regarding single-use plastic bags bans in countries such as Rwanda, China, Bangladesh, Taiwan, Bali and Macedonia, California, Mexico City. Other communities considering single-use plastic bag bans are Victoria, Montreal, Chicago, Austin, Seattle and New York. In 2010, approximately 2.86 billion plastic bags were thrown away in Canada. A direct and ongoing challenge for the community is non-recyclable plastics, this includes plastic bags, are contaminating the community’s plastic recycling waste stream at the local landfill and community satellite recycling sites. Next steps include the Policy and Bylaw Review Committee to explore local government best practices around single-use plastic bags.
Annual Allowable Cut Determination – Quesnel Timber Supply Area
Mayor Simpson updated Council on the recently established Allowable Annual Cut (AAC) for the Quesnel Timber Supply Area and the potential implications this reduced AAC may have for our community. The Chief Forester’s Report outlines that effective June 16, 2017, the AAC was reduced from 4 million cubic meters to 2.6 million cubic meters. There are a number of areas of concern to local forest companies regarding the reduced AAC. Next steps involve the Minister of Forests to apportion the reduced available cut to the licensees, but this may be delayed until a government is formed in the BC Legislature where provincial business then can resume.
City’s 2016 Annual Report
Council has approved the City’s 2016 Annual Report. This report contains messages from Mayor, Councillor and City Manager, a community overview, 2016 Asset Management, 2016 Highlights, 2016 and 2017 Strategic Plans, 2016 Consolidated Financial Statements and 2016 Permissive Tax Exemptions. Please visit the City’s website to view this full report.
Public Hearing – 7 pm on July 25, 2017 - Shipping Containers and Relocation of Seasons House Facility
A Public Hearing will be held at City Hall Council Chambers 7 pm on July 25, 2017 regarding:
Please visit the City’s website through the links above for full details of the two City Staff Reports regarding these two issues.
Spirit Centre – Public Accessible Washrooms, Water Bottle Refill Station, Leases and Non-Profit Bookings
The newly renovated Spirit Centre, that is expected to open just in time for Billy Barker Days on July 13, 2017, will have public washrooms (all wheelchair accessible), a water bottle refill station that is also wheelchair accessible, a 610 sq. ft. open lobby space and a 384 sq. ft. boardroom space that will be available to use by non-profit organizations at no charge, and four office spaces that can be leased. Effective August 1, 2017, two of the office spaces will be leased; one to the Barkerville Heritage Town and one to the Quesnel Downtown Business Improvement Association.
Starbucks Drive-thru – South Quesnel
Council approved the Development Permit, with conditions, for a proposed 2,000 sq. ft commercial building with a drive-thru for Starbucks at the intersection of Balsam Avenue/Rita Road that meets the current zoning requirements and specific guidelines of the South Quesnel Development Permit Area.
Grace Inn Motel Conversion to Housing
Council gave third readings for the OCP and Zone Amendment Bylaws for the proposed development to convert the Grace Inn Motel to a high-density multi-family residential housing complex with conditions that a Section 219 Covenant be filed on title and the Proponent enters into a Housing Agreement with the City. The Grace Inn is located at 530 Carson Avenue.
Canadian Tire – Renovation
The Development Permit was approved by Council to renovate the existing Canadian Tire, located at 570 Newman Road, that will permit store-front changes and a building addition for a winterized garden centre.
Water Upgrades to Pinecrest Water Reservoir – Award of Contract
Council approved the contract to perform civil, mechanical and electrical upgrades to the water distribution system near and at the Pinecrest Water Reservoir to Acres Enterprises Ltd. in the amount of $1,699,900 plus applicable taxes.
Bylaw-of-the Month Program – Water Sprinkling/Irrigation Restrictions 
There is a $50 fine when watering properties outside of restriction days/times that is in effect annually from May 15 to September 30. Even numbered addresses must water on even numbered days and odd numbered addresses must water on odd numbered days between 6 – 10 am and 7 – 11 pm daily. Council may further restrict watering times/days should the need arise. Bylaw Enforcement Staff will be out during the month of July to strategically educate/enforce water restrictions throughout the community.
Bylaws 1806 & 1807 – OCP & Zone Amendments – Grace Inn Motel Convert to Housing – Third Reading
Bylaw 1815 – Cariboo Pulp and Paper Landfill Expansion – Final Adoption
Bylaw 1824 – Off Leash Dog Park – Zone Amendment – Stood Down – Pending Ministry of Transportation’s Conditions/Restrictions
Bylaw 1828 – Zone Amendment – Prohibit Shipping Containers in Residential Areas – First & Second Readings AND Set Public Hearing Date to 7:00 pm July 25, 2017 City Hall Council Chambers
Bylaws 1829 & 1830 – OCP & Zone Amendments – Supportive/Transition Housing (Elliott Drive) – First Reading AND Set Public Hearing Date to 7:00 pm, July 25, 2017 City Hall Council Chambers.
Next Meetings
North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee
July 11, 2017 at 5:30 pm
Regular Council Meeting
July 25, 2017 at 7 pm
August 22, 2017 at 7 pm

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