Tuesday, June 20, 2017

WL Council Highlights - June 20th mtg

Present: Mayor W. Cobb; Councillors I. Bonnell, S. Nelson, J. Ryll, C. Smith, and S. Zacharias

Meeting called to order at 6pm

Meeting Agenda and Mins of the June 6th, 2017 meeting of WL City Council, both adopted


1) Mayor Cobb presented a "Accessibility Award of Merit" to Nirmal Singh of Town Taxi

2) Venta Rutkauskas, Coordinator and Marg Evans from the Community Arts Council of Williams Lake appeared before Council to discuss their Proposal for Wind Chime 'Soundscape' Project

A Question/Answer period ensued thereon

Mayor Cobb, on behalf of Council, thanked Ms. Rutkauskas/Evans for their time/information

Resolved - That Council authorize Staff to work with the Community Arts Council in respect of their Wind chime 'Soundscape' Project


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque listings dated June 8 and 15, 2017

2) After one member of the public (John Pickford) addressing Council -- Council received/approved the 2016 Annual Report in accordance with Section 98 of the Community Charter.

3) After receiving no public input -- Council approved Development Permit #3-2017 for property at 300-1185 Prosperity Way (Platform Properties)

4) Council approved a proposed purchase and sale of a portion of 850 Oliver St. at a value of $4.25 per square foot, subject to property consolidation

5) Council received a Temporary Commercial Use Permit Application - #01-2017 for property at 80 Fourth Avenue South, directed the usual notifications take place and that the application be formally considered at the July 18, 2017 Regular Council Meeting

6) Council awarded the three (3) year contract for Waste & Recyclable Collection to Central Cariboo Disposal Ltd. for the annual cost of $513,670.20

7) Council received/ratified an email poll pertaining to Airport Lease Agreement No. CWL2100 - Ireland / Connatty, as follows:

"That the proposed new Lease Agreement No. CWL2100 for David Ireland and Lyle Connatty be received and Staff be authorized to post the required Notice of Disposition in accordance with Section 26(3) of the Community Charter; and further, subsequent consideration of approval of the Lease Agreement be referred to the July 4, 2017 Regular Council Meeting"

8) Council awarded the Pavement Rehabilitation & Waterworks 2017 contract to Peter Bros. Construction Ltd. and directed City Staff to reduce the project scope up to 15%, per the terms of the contract, to meet original approved budgets

9) Council adopted the following Bylaws:

a) Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2265 (185 Fourth Avenue North - former Cariboo Lodge site)
b) Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2257 (105 to 117 Paxton Road)

10) Late Item - Council approved the use of City equipment for the repair of the Thunder Mountain Speedway track in conjunction with Municipal Services volunteer labour.

11) Council received the June 20th 'Council Information Package' as follows:

* 2017 Canada Day Weekend in Williams Lake - Events Poster;
* June 8, 2017 - Salish Sea Trust re A Personal Proclamation for Our Oceans & Waterways;
* June 9, 2017 - Cariboo Regional District Board Highlights.

Members of Council gave oral reports as to their recent activities

The CAO gave an oral report as to his recent activities

Media Question Period:

a) Radio - History on Volunteer City Staff labour for local community projects - Mayor Cobb/Councillor Bonnell responded to the question

Council agreed to adjourn at 6:47pm

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