Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Big Creek Evacuation Alert

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

An Evacuation Alert has been issued by Cariboo Regional District at the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC).

Because of the potential danger to life and health, the Cariboo Regional District has issued an Evacuation Alert for the following areas:
  • A 15.5 km wide area running from the junction of the Farwell Canyon Road and the Mons Creek FSR (2051 km), west to McDermott Creek, north of Kloakut Lake.
  • Including Rushes Lake, Big Creek, Mons Lake, Sky Ranch Road, Rocky Lake FSR, Ground Hog Creek FSR, and Mud Creek FSR.
An Evacuation Alert has been issued to prepare you to evacuate your premises or property should it be required.

Residents will be given as much advance notice as possible prior to evacuation; however you may receive limited notice due to changing conditions.

There is an Evacuation Order to the north of this area along the Fletcher Lake Road.

Evacuation route is north along the Fletcher Lake Road to Lees Corner and east along Highway 20.


Upon notification of an ALERT, you should be prepared for the evacuation order by:
  • Locating all family members or co-workers and designate a Reception Centre outside the evacuation area, should an evacuation be called while separated.
  • Gathering essential items such as medications, eyeglasses, valuable papers (i.e. insurance), immediate care needs for dependants and, if you choose, keepsakes (photographs, etc). Have these items readily available for quick departure.
  • Preparing to move any disabled persons and/or children. 
  • Moving pets and livestock to a safe area. 
  • Arranging to transport your household members or co-workers in the event of an evacuation order. If you need transportation assistance from the area please call 250-392-6284.
  • Arranging accommodation for your family if possible. In the event of an evacuation, Reception Centres will be opened if required.
  • Monitoring news sources for information on evacuation orders and locations of Reception Centres.
For continued information visit the Cariboo Regional District’s website at or follow us on Facebook at
For more information contact: Emergency Operations Centre Public Information Line at 1-866-759-4977

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