Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Cariboo-Chilcotin Fire Update - July 12th

Good morning:

Yesterday - only the District of 100 Mile House extended its' Evacuation Order for up to an addition 7 days - read more here while the City of Williams Lake is still under a community-wide evacuation alert (pack up items and being ready to leave on a moment's notice) and the Cariboo Regional District did not issue any Evacuation Alerts or Orders yesterday - for the full list of current CRD Evacuation Alerts or Orders - click here

Meanwhile - neither the City of Quesnel or the District of Wells is currently engaged in wildfire activity, by way of activation of their Emergency Operations Centres'

Yesterday afternoon - officials from the Cariboo Regional District, City of Williams Lake, BC Ministry of Transporation, BC Wildfire Service and the RCMP held a public meeting to update evacuees with regard to the ongoing wildfire situation - full video below (courtesy of the Williams Lake Tribune):

Yesterday evening - the Cariboo Regional District's Emergency Operations' Centre held a technical brief with local media - wrap on the briefing (courtesy of

There are 16 evacuation orders in effect and 6 evacuation alerts in effect. Cariboo Regional District Emergency Operation Centre received between 2500 to 3000 calls per day from the public. The number of people affected by the wildfires in the Cariboo Regional District: 12,400 populations under alert:

9500 under order
10,500 Williams Lake alert
1980 100 Mile order
34,380 total people in Williams Lake & 100 Mile affected

Also, CRD Chair Al Richmond commented about the recent problem with the congestion of watercraft on Lac La Hache Lake, Watson Lake and Horse Lake. He urged that all watercraft stay to the shores of the lakes because all aircraft have the right of way.

City of Williams Lake CAO (Chief Administrative Officer) Milo McDonald said Williams Lake had a good day with much progress. The evacuation alert remains in place and he had notice that many people have left the community. The RCMP has been very supportive throughout the evacuation alert and has provided additional security.

Williams Lake Mgr of Community Safety Dave Dickson stated that is was a busy day for all the volunteers at the Lake City/Carson Campus in Williams Lake. 4885 people registered and 9500 people registered in total. The Williams Lake Emergency service Centre is looking for volunteers to help with the registration process. Stop by the campus if you are interested in volunteering.

100 Mile House Mayor Mitch Campsall noted that 100 Mile had a better day, not a great day but a better day. The fire is still big and the firefighters tried to back burn with no luck. There was not enough wind to help with this procedure. He did hear some Great News concerning some of the evacuees in Kamloops and Prince George. They have been treated wonderful in each of the different communities and it’s been emotionally over whelming for many. Mayor Campsall said we are moving forward and not giving up.

Milo McDonald did his best to answer a question about tomorrow’s weather, with the understanding that the areas are expecting a milder weather forecast for Wednesday. Stating that we are just playing the cards we are dealt.

Dave Dickson did say that people should register now, just in case a evacuation does take place. It makes the process a whole lot smoother and easier for love ones looking for family members. Dave also noted that the registration centre has been running 24/7. He is hoping for a quiet night and will reopen at 6am but if the demand is there, we will be there.

Finally, as Dave Dickson suggested, I registered with the City's ESS Team in the possibility of being directed to evacuate to Prince George.

A friendly reminder to continue to rely ONLY on official sources for Evacuation Alerts or Orders from your local government or through the local media - Tribune (click here) or Vista Radio (click here)

1) If you reside in the City of Williams Lake -- click here
2) If you reside in the Electoral (Rural) Areas of the  Cariboo Regional District - click here or call the CRD EOC Public Information Line at 250-398-5117

Other useful links:

1) DriveBC -- click here
2) BC Hydro - click here

I will continue to post on Facebook (click here) and here as further information develops

As well and as long as I haven't been ordered by the City of Williams Lake to evacuate, I will be continue to be available to firstly, CRD Area D residents', and secondly, to anyone else, to consult with, as to official information or otherwise and point you in the right direction, relative to the developing wildfire situation.  My number is 250-267-6725 or reach out to me on Facebook (click here)


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