Wednesday, August 23, 2017

BC Wildfire T-Shirt Sales support Cariboo RD Ind. VFD's

VFD Fire Chiefs' for McLeese Lake, Big Lake
and Chimney/Felker Lakes with CRD Area D Director
Steve Forseth and Shane Gunn/Darcy Foster
Earlier today - I was asked to participate in a photo-op with the Fire Chiefs for the McLeese Lake, Chimney/Felker Lakes and Big Lake Volunteer Fire Departments

The following VFD's received $2,500 in cash plus 500 stickers to fundraise in the local community which is worth another $500:

* McLeese Lake VFD
* Tyee Lake VFD
* Chimney/Felker VFD
* Big Lake VFD

Details about the T-Shirt fundraiser can be viewed here.  After the Photo-Op, I hand-delivered the Tyee Lake VFD's $2,500 to their Fire Chief, Rick Jelley

Later this year, at my request -- both McLeese Lake/Tyee Lake VFD's will be provided with another Grant for Assistance, from my Area D Grant for Assistance Budget.  McLeese Lake VFD, upon application, will be receiving up to $5,000 and Tyee Lake VFD, upon application, will be receiving up to $10,000 for their capital needs - this is all subject to the CRD Board approving such applications, which is generally routine and is paid out in the Spring of the following year (2018)

I think it is important to support our independent VFD's, as much as possible.  They do such great work (fundraising, training, put out fires, etc) and ask for little in return...


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