Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Cariboo-Chilcotin Fire Update - Aug 1st am

Good morning:

Yesterday - the Cariboo Regional District issued no new Evacuation Orders or Alerts. For the current list of CRD Evacuation Alerts/Orders, click here

For the current Evacuation Alert for the City of Williams Lake - click here.

The Districts' of Wells/100 Mile House and the City of Quesnel currently do not have their Emergency Operations Centre activated nor do they have an active Evacuation Alert or Order

Up-to-date information of the Wildfires of Note in the Cariboo Fire Centre, including all fires within the Cariboo Regional District, can be viewed here

Yesterday's Daily Report from the CRD Emergency Operations Centre is available here

Meanwhile, in a meaningful effort to communication better in regards to Central Cariboo Wildfires - the CRD Emergency Operations Centre will be launched daily update videos.  To view our first one, click here

If your CRD Electoral Area is partially under an Evacuation Order (Areas D, F, I, J, K and L) - you can call the CRD Emergency Ops Centre (EOC) Public Info Line for questions/clarifications at 1-866-759-4977 or use the online map at https://cariboo.maps.arcgis.com/apps/View/index.html?appid=ee2b98baf5544f028aed537461762081

Here is Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb's message to the residents' of Williams Lake yesterday evening:

Monday night. Once again quiet. Very little wind today. Must emphasize my water report is only what I can see here in the valley. I am not a weatherman but probably are as accurate.
Beautiful day today. You would think the world was back to normal but those fires are still lingering. Waiting to pounce when least expect it. For those who are home remember that and be ready.
The resiliency center ( stupid name ) is quite busy
Red Cross Volunteers burning out and need help. Appointments being made up to the Aug 8th.
Donation center having trouble getting trucks to move big trailers around so if you have such please contact them. Would not be a big job or very often but trailers are dropped off and the drivers need to get home. Check with them if you could help.
Have not been able to get the updates from the fire center that was discussed as yet but working on that. You can go on the official site but may not be able to tell what the movement is. I have trouble with Web sites and the ability to get what I want so not going try to interpret what I think they are saying.
So one more safe day and conflicting weather reports.
Sleep tight.

Finally - friendly reminder to continue to rely ONLY on official sources for Evacuation Alerts or Orders from your local government website or Facebook page or through the local media - Tribune (click here) or Vista Radio (click here)


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