Tuesday, August 29, 2017

WL Council Highlights - Aug 29th mtg

Present: Mayor W. Cobb; Councillors S. Nelson, J. Ryll, C. Smith, L. Walters and S. Zacharias

Meeting called to order at 6pm

Meeting agenda adopted/Minutes of the August 15th WL City Council meeting adopted


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque listings dated August 17, 21 and 24, 2017

2) Council received re-zoning applications for 850 Oliver St (Boitanio Mall) and took the following actions:

a) Gave 1st Reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2266 ('Community Care Facility' Use), refer the Bylaw to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) for initial consultation prior to scheduling a Public Hearing

b) Gave 1st Reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2259 (Drive Thru Restaurant), refer the proposed Bylaw to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) for initial consultation and a traffic analysis be submitted to the City prior to a Public Hearing being scheduled

3) Council gave 1st Reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw 2249 (Leif - 101 Mason Rd) and directed Staff to refer the application to necessary external agencies prior to consideration of 2nd Reading of Bylaw #2249

4) Council received a Development Permit application for property at 1135, 1145 & 1155 Murray Drive, directed the usual notifications take place and the application be formally considered at its' September 12th meeting

5) Council approved the request of the WL Stampede Association for their Special Occasion Liquor License for the Wildfire Relief" Fundraising Event, subject to RCMP approval

6) Late Item - Council received In-Camera Report #8-2017 from the June 27th In-Camera Meeting of WL City Council.  The following Resolution was reported:

“That the remedial action order for 27 Seventh Avenue imposed on July 21, 2015 by Resolution No. 288/15, and amended on August 18, 2015, September 8, 2015, March 8 2016 and September 20, 2015, be further amended by requiring the owner to obtain an occupancy permit on the buildings by December 31, 2017 with monthly progress reports supplied jointly by the Building Inspector and owners, and further, if said permit is not obtained by the deadline, the City may elect to enforce the order or complete the work at the expense of the owner.”

7) Late Item #2 - That Council urgently requests the federal/provincial governments to establish a minimum $1 Billion Recovery Fund to assist BC Communities, including First Nations, impacted by the unprecedented wildfires of 2017 and the Fund be called the Rural Fire Recovery Fund 2017 and the City requests the provincial/federal governments to inject cash to encourage economic recovery in all communities impacted by the 2017 Wildfires

8) Council received the 'Council Information Package', as of August 29th, as follows:

August 15, 2017 - Response Letter from Minister Farnworth to MLA Barnett re Community Impacts of Wildfires.

Members of Council reported out on their recent activities

The CAO (M. Macdonald) provided an oral report as to his recent activities

Media Question Period -- Creating a Fire Guard around the City of Williams Lake

Council adjourned at 7:00pm

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