Thursday, September 28, 2017

Council Disappointed to Lose First Mural

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

The City of Williams Lake is extremely disappointed to learn that the city’s first mural, on the side of the Kondola’s Furniture building, has been painted over.
After learning that the owner of the building was intending to paint over the mural in order to upgrade the building’s appearance, Council and staff both reached out to building owner Paul Kondola repeatedly over the past few months, in an effort to persuade him to reconsider. The City also advised Mr. Kondola that funding was available to restore the mural at no cost to him. 
“It is extremely disheartening to hear of the lack of respect for Williams Lake’s first mural,” said Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb. “We have worked hard to establish Williams Lake as the Mural Capital of the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast, and this iconic part of our downtown core is now lost.”
Local artist Dwayne Davis painted the mural in 2000, depicting Farwell Canyon and other local Cariboo scenes such as Three Sisters mountains and Tsuniah Lake. It was one of 19 murals featured throughout Williams Lake.

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