Monday, September 18, 2017

Editorial: 2017 UBCM Cabinet Minister Meetings


During the summer of each year - BC's 190 Local Governments' consisting of Regional District Boards and Municipal Councils ranging from small villages or districts' to big Cities will usually discuss which BC Cabinet Ministers' they wish to meet with at the annual Union of BC Municipalities' (UBCM) Convention held during the last week of September and is traditionally held in either the Cities of Vancouver/Victoria or the Resort Municipality of Whistler.  This is followed up by a letter from the Premier of BC and his/her Minister for Local Government, currently styled "Minister of Muncipal Affairs/Housing" with the deadline to apply for such meetings being late August (this year's deadline was August 18th).  View this year's letter to local governments here

UBCM Cabinet Minister Meetings are then usually confirmed with local government staff in early September so they can prepare binders for their elected officials as they travel to the UBCM Convention in late September. 

This year is no different, except for one exception, many local governments including my own, I have been told, have very few or no confirmed cabinet minister meetings and there is only one week left before the start of the 2017 UBCM Convention in Vancouver on Monday, September 25thI would not be surprised if some elected officials from local government bow out of UBCM because there don't have confirmed meetings by this Friday and they wouldn't see much point of attending the UBCM Convention without confirmed cabinet minister meetings.

I hope that these meetings can be confirmed this week, as it would be extremely stressful for UBCM Delegates trying to re-arrange their schedule at the UBCM Convention itself, if they had no cabinet minister meetings before leaving only to be told about confirmed cabinet minister meetings' while at the UBCM Convention itself!


The above editorial is my own and is not reflective of my elected position as the Cariboo Regional District Electoral Area 'D' Director

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