Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Quesnel Council Highlights - Sept 19th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Elliott Street Supportive Housing Development

A Public Hearing was held on Monday, September 17, 2017 regarding the proposed Elliott Street Supportive Housing Development. Many questions were brought forward from the public stemming from the lack of clarity regarding the proposed operations of BC Housing’s proposed Supportive Housing Development. As a result, Council has deferred any further Bylaw readings for this proposed development until:

1) The operating model is clearly communicated to Council and to the public;

2) All questions from the public received at the September 18th Public Hearing have been answered and posted to the City’s website;

3) The Housing Agreement is finalized and signed by BC Housing, and the Good Neighbour Agreement is approved by Council and signed by the Operator; and
4) A transition plan is developed that clearly outlines what services will not be offered at the proposed Supportive Housing complex and where those services will be delivered in the community. This transition plan must also outline how the current Seasons House facility (located on Carson Avenue) will transition to the new service delivery model proposed for the new Supportive Housing facility.

Further, Council passed a motion recommending to BC Housing to issue a Request for Proposal for the operations of their proposed Elliott Street Supportive Housing facility so all service providers interested may bid on the operating contract for this proposed facility.

Ministers Meetings

At the upcoming Union of British Columbia Municipalities Annual Convention, from September 25 to 29, Council will be meeting with 11 Ministers and the Premier to discuss various City initiatives. To view the full schedule, and topics to be discussed, please see the report attached to the September 19th Agenda.

Age Friendly Advisory Committee

Quesnel is now one step closer to becoming an “Age Friendly Community”. This initiative encourages and supports communities to ensure that older citizens can age in place, enjoy good health, and remain active in their home-community. Council passed the necessary motions required to create a Select Committee and approved this Committee’s Terms of Reference. Next steps include completing an Age-Friendly Community Assessment and accompanying Action Plan for the City of Quesnel.

Water Ambassador Program

Council heard the results of the City’s new Water Ambassador Program that ran this past summer from May 15 to August 26, where to two university students went door-to-door and attended the Farmer’s Market to promote education of water conservation, the City’s Watering Bylaw 1763 and the City’s West Quesnel Land Stability project. The students visited 2052 homes, spoke to 726 residents and increased awareness to where approximately 60% of residents canvassed were aware of Bylaw 1763 watering restrictions. Council has asked the Financial Sustainability Committee to look at incorporating into the 2018 budget an Environmental Sustainability Ambassador Program for next summer.

Maximizing Parking – Museum/Visitors Information Centre

One of Council’s 2017 strategic initiatives is to increase RV Parking for the City. With this in mind, Council approved the re-design and re-build of the Museum parking lot that will maximize parking, including some RV parking, by the relocation of the existing circular flower bed and Billy Barker wooden carving to the south side of the museum entrance.

Spirit Centre – Grand Opening on Sept 23rd

The City of Quesnel, in partnership with the Quesnel Downtown Business Association, will host the Grand Opening of the Spirit Centre facility on Saturday, September 23rd from 10 am – 3 pm. There will be a vendors’ market, speeches at 11 am followed by free cookies for the public. The Spirit Centre public parking lot will be closed to make way for this community celebration.


Bylaws 1829 & 1830 – OCP & Zone Amendments – Supportive Housing (Elliott Street) – Deferred further Bylaw readings until conditions have been met. Please see above.
Bylaw 1833 – Permissive Exemption Amendment – First Reading

Next Meetings

7 pm, October 3, 2017 – Regular Council Meeting

5:30 pm, October 10, 2017 – North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee

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