Thursday, October 19, 2017

CRD Finance/Budget Committee Highlights (2018 Budget Mtg #1) - Oct 19th mtg

Present: Chair M. Wagner and Directors J. Massier, S. Forseth, J. Sorley, A. Richmond, B. Anderson, B. Coakley, R. Sharpe, B. Simpson, W. Cobb, M. Campsall, Area 'A' Alternate Director M. Sjostrom and Area 'E' Alternate Director M. Neufeld

Meeting called to order at 5:36pm

Meeting Agenda Approved

The Committee commenced its' review of the Draft Cariboo Regional District 2018 Business Plans for the following:

* General
* Contributions/Economic Development
* Airports
* Recreation
* Library
* Development Services
* Protective Services
* Environmental Services
* Streetlighting
* Water
* Sewer

The Committee agreed to adjourn at 7:00pm 

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