Sunday, October 1, 2017

Kamloops elects new Mayor/2 new City Councillors!

After a triggered by-election, this past June, as a result of former Kamloops Mayor (and now Kamloops-North Thompson MLA) Peter Milobar and former Kamloops City Councillors Marg Spina and Ken Christian, all resigning from local elected office - the citizens' of Kamloops, last night, elected 1 new Mayor and 2 new City Councillors for the remaining portion of the 2014-18 term, which will be October 2017 - October 2018. The citizens of Kamloops had 21 people to chose from, for 2 City Councillors and 6 people to chose from, for the position of Mayor of Kamloops

After the polls closed at 8pm last night - it only took 30 mins to learn that the citizens' of Kamloops chose Ken Christian (formerly a Kamloops City Councillor and former SD73 Trustee and SD73 Board Chair) as its' Mayor and Kathy Sinclair/Ray Dhaliwal as their 2 new City Councillors until October 20th, 2018.  See the full unofficial results here.  As many have done already, many congrats to those who ran but were not successful, democracy is also best served when the citizens are given choices.  21.17% of eligible voters' in the City of Kamloops cast a ballot which is significantly higher than the usual 5-8% in a standard by-election and about 10-12 points below casted ballots in a general local government election.  Kamloops This Week (KTW) interviewed Kamloops Mayor-elect Ken Christian about his priorities going forward here while KTW interviewed Kamloops City Councillors-elect Kathy Sinclair/Ray Dhaliwal about their priorities going forward here

It is fair to assume the vast number of candidates for Kamloops Mayor or Kamloops City Council in this by-election will review their election performance and make decisions about another Council bid in the fall of 2018. Former Kamloops-North Thompson MLA (and Kamloops City Council candidate) Kevin Krueger, who came within 250 votes of election has already confirmed his intention to run again in October 2018 - click here

Key Dates going forward:

Tuesday, October 3rd - Chief Election Officer confirms election results as official

Saturday, October 14th - 1st available date that successful candidates for Kamloops Mayor/Kamloops City Councillor can take their Oath of Office

Kamloops Mayor-elect Ken Christian & Kamloops City Councillors-elect Kathy Sinclair/Ray Dhaliwal will take their respective Oaths of Office on Monday, October 16th


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