Tuesday, October 10, 2017

SD27 Public Consultation Session - Cataline Elementary Bus Loop

Cataline Elementary School

From 6:30pm to 8:30pm this evening -- School District #27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) hosted a Public Information Open House in the Cataline Elementary School Gym, in regards to SD27's Bus Loop Proposal for the Cataline Elementary School Site

The entire Board of Education for School District #27 along with SD27 Superintendent Mark Wintjes & SD27 Secretary-Treasurer Kevin Futcher were all in attendance along with roughly a dozen people of the general public

Background documents:

1) Traffic Flow Information - click here
2) Bus Loop Backgrounder - click here
3) ICBC Report - click here

From what I observed from 6:30-7:30pm tonight, I was pleased to see people engaged with SD27 Board Members and SD27 Staff.  The next meeting is on Tuesday, Nov 7th at 6:30pm - Cataline Elementary - Formal Public Input on the draft Cataline Elementary Bus Loop Plan


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