Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Quesnel Council Highlights - Nov 7th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Forest Practices Board - Delegation
Mr. Tim Ryan, Chair of the Forest Practices Board, highlighted for Council what it is that the Forest Practices Board (“Board”) does. The mandate of the Board is to promote overall stewardship of the forests in the province, to serve the Public’s interests, by promoting improved performance from licensees, managers, practitioners and users of the forests, rangelands and resources. This is achieved through the Board completing audits and investigating complaints related to activities occurring on crown lands. The Board has prepared reports, that can be found on the Board’s website, on topics that will interest Local Governments, such as, Managing Forest Fuels in Wildland Urban Interface Areas, Forest Stewardship Plans and Community Watershed. For more information please visit
Proposed Elliott Street Supportive Housing Development – Second Round of Public Consultation
Following a City Staff Report, Council was able to have further clarity to their questions, regarding the proposed Elliott Street Supportive Housing Development, as the Proponent, Malachy Tohill Regional Manager for BC Housing, and the Operator, Melany McDonald Executive Director for the Quesnel Shelter and Support Society, provided answers directly to Council. Information was given around the development’s Operations Model; Good Neighbour Agreement; Housing Agreement; as well as the responses to the public’s 25 questions that were raised during the first Public Hearing held on September 18, 2017.
The Supportive Housing development is proposed to have 28 Independent Supportive Housing units, 4 Supportive Recovery units, 8 Emergency Shelter beds, and 10 Extreme Weather beds during winter months.
Substance use was discussed at length and what policy around this issue will be developed. It was made clear that residents of the proposed 28 Independent Supportive Housing units, have the same rights regarding substance use as any other individual in their own home. However, individuals occupying the shelter units, or common areas of the proposed facility, are prohibited from substance use in those specific areas.
The first priority of the proposed 28 Independent Supportive Housing units, is to get the residents stabilized and to set up supports that residents will need to address their barriers to housing. The goal is to have residents live independently, in market housing, out in the community, but the reality is that some residents may never leave the proposed Supportive Housing development, depending on their needs.
It was confirmed for Council, that through the Housing Agreement and BC Housing’s Operating Agreement, that drop-in support services will not be provided to the general public at the proposed Elliott Street Supportive Housing facility. A Transition Plan for these services, to be offered elsewhere in the community, is being completed by a consultant contracted in partnership with Northern Health, the City of Quesnel and BC Housing. Further, that neighbourhood complaints will be addressed through public meetings held in accordance with the Good Neighbourhood Agreement.
Next steps include round two of public consultation and public input that is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, December 13, 2017 at the Quesnel and District Seniors’ Centre, located at 461 Carson Avenue, as follows:
  1. Open House – BC Housing to host a second open house that includes a 5 pm informational presentation, followed by a question and answer period. Doors open at 4:30 p.m.; and
  2. Public Hearing – Quesnel City Council to hold its second Public Hearing at 7:00 p.m. for public to provide formal comment on the proposed development.
Pinecrest Water Main Project
Due to a $900,000 surplus for the Pinecrest Water Reservoir project, City staff was able to present options to Council to consider expanding the scope of work around this project. Council approved to replace the old undersized water trunk main, in the Two Mile Flat area, from the Pinecrest Reservoir south along Highway 97 to Rome Avenue, subject to regulatory approval. This funding is provided by the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund that is funded through 50% Federal, 33% Provincial and 17% Municipal contributions.
Skateboard Park Addition Project
Council approved $300,000 for an addition to the City’s existing Skateboard Park. This 2018 capital project will be funded by a $30,000 from the Northern Development Initiative Grant; $50,000 from the City’s General Capital; and $220,000 from a Gas Tax Grant.
Comprehensive Fees and Charges Bylaw – Annual Update
Council approved the first three readings of the Comprehensive Fees Bylaw 1834 that reflects the City’s annual review of its Comprehensive Fees and Charges. Highlights are:
  • 5% increase to water rates, except bulk water to increase the funds available for capital replacement
  • 0% increase to sewer fees 
  • 2% increase to both cemetery and airport fees 
Please visit the City’s website to view the full City Staff Report and attachments.
Adopt a Park Policy
Council approved the Adopt-a-Park Policy in answer to an expressed interest in the community to adopt the South Hills Park by the Quesnel Boy Scouts. This type of policy is popular in other communities where local clubs, groups, organizations, private citizen groups and businesses focus on overall park stewardship. For a full viewing of this policy, please visit the City’s website.
  • Bylaw 1829 – Official Community Plan Amendment (Proposed Elliott Street Supportive Housing Development) – Second Public Hearing – 7 pm, December 13, 2017 at Quesnel & District Seniors’ Centre at 461 Carson Avenue
  • Bylaw 1830 – Zone Amendment (Proposed Elliott Street Supportive Housing Development) – Second Public Hearing – 7 pm, December 13, 2017 at Quesnel & District Seniors’ Centre at 461 Carson Avenue
  • Bylaw 1832 – Financial Plan Amendment – Final Adoption
  • Bylaw 1834 – Comprehensive Fees and Charges Amendment – First, Second, Third Readings
  • Bylaw 1841 – Housing Agreement (Proposed Elliott Street Supportive Housing Development) – First Reading
  • 5:30 pm, November 14, 2017 – North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee
  • 7 pm, November 21, 2017 – Regular Council Meeting

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