Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Quesnel Council Highlights - Nov 21st mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

West Fraser Mills Ltd. – Delegation

Mr. Chris Finch, General Manager for the Quesnel Sawmill, highlighted for Council what the proposed West Fraser Quesnel Sawmill Air Permit Amendment will mean for Quesnel’s Airshed. Mr. Finch’s presentation was made as part of the public consultation process under the Environment Act. Mr. Finch advised that under normal operations of the Quesnel sawmill, 24 hrs/day from Monday to Friday, the total particulate emissions from the Quesnel sawmill into the Quesnel Airshed will remain well below the Ministry’s Permit maximum total particulate. The proposed Quesnel Sawmill Air Permit Amendment is for:

Change Operations from 5 days to 7 days to ensure shutdown and start-up operations and occasional overtime shift is included. Note: West Fraser currently has no plans to run 7 days a week.

Two high efficiency cyclones have replaced three old technology cyclones that handle wet sawdust, sawdust and chips from mill equipment that were added in 2012 for dust mitigation and employee health and safety.

Kiln #7 converted from Batch Kiln to a new Continuous Dry Kiln that was completed in 2017 as the company moved from dead/dry pine to green logs. Company also added a new Continuous Dry Kiln #8 where an evaporator will be installed to evaporate kiln condensate.

Wildfire Season 2017 – Statistics and Follow Up

The City Manager provided a summary of basic statistics and lessons learned of the City’s Local Agencies and the City’s management of the emergency response efforts for area’s 2017 Wildfires. The City’s key areas that supported the wildfire response are:

Fire Suppression - City’s Volunteer Fire Department

Communications – City provided accurate timely information

Emergency Social Services – volunteers who assisted evacuees at the Emergency Reception Centre

Quesnel Search and Rescue – assisted RCMP with serving Evacuation Notices

Pet Safe Coalition – provided care for animal evacuees and behind evacuation lines

Airport Fire Base – provided site and utilities for Ministry’s Base Command Fire Camp

Emergency Planning Committee – Management of City’s emergency response

Next steps include the City to investigate funding sources to develop a Wildfire Response Plan that takes into account the key lessons learned from each of the above denoted local agencies.

City’s Plastic Recycling Stream - Contamination Challenges

An ongoing challenge in Quesnel is the contamination of the community’s plastic waste recycling stream due to non-recyclable plastic-bags, and other non-recyclable material, entering the recyclables stream. In addition, Council learned of the health and environmental effects caused by single-use plastic bags, and other single use plastic items. The problem of recycling contamination is both a plastics problem, but is also a social issue. This issue also ties into the lead-up to the City’s overall 2020 Zero-Waste initiative. Council decided that the next steps should include public engagement with the City’s three Business Improvement Associations and the Quesnel & District Chamber of Commerce, for further discussion to understand the public opinion of the business community, and if there is a willingness to engage in single-use plastics reduction initiatives.

Proposed Elliott Street Supportive Housing Development – Amend “Supportive Housing” Definition

Council re-read first reading, as amended, changing the Supportive Housing definition, found in the proposed Zone Amendment Bylaw 1830, has been changed by removing the word “clinical” services and replaced with “on-site” services to provide clarity to the intended supportive services proposed to be offered at the proposed Elliott Street Supportive Housing site. Next steps include the 5:00 p.m. Open House by the Proponent, BC Housing, and the 7:00 p.m. City of Quesnel Public Hearing all of which is takes place on Wednesday, December 13, 2017 at the Quesnel & District Seniors’ Centre located at 461 Carson Avenue.

SPCA Contract

Council approved a five-year contract with the SPCA to act as the City’s Poundkeeper. The summary of minor amendments for this new five year contract are:

SPCA to act as the City’s Poundkeeper.

Continuing to increase the contract each year by the Consumer Price Index.

Changing the wording so that the SPCA will now accept all animals, rather than just dogs. Also, that animal strays from within the City boundaries, that are delivered to the SPCA from the RCMP, will also be included in this contract.

Dog Park - Upgrades

With the Dog Park capital project coming in under budget, Council approved the following upgrades:

$10,500 - Drinking Water Fountain

$14,500 - Play Structures and Equipment

To view the full report, and attachments, that provide full details of the Dog Park equipment upgrades, please visit the City’s website.

Community Emergency Preparedness Fund Grant Application

Council approved City Staff to apply for the UBCM Community Emergency Preparedness Fund – Emergency Social Services grant to purchase a trailer, cots and related equipment for group lodging intended to enhance the resiliency of Local Governments, and residents, in responding to emergencies.


Bylaw 1830 – Zone Amendment (Proposed Elliott Street Supportive Housing Development) – Rescind First Reading and Re-Read First Reading, as Amended – Amended “Supportive Housing” Definition

Bylaw 1834 – Comprehensive Fees and Charges Amendment – Final Adoption

Bylaw 1840 – Dakelh Housing Agreement (McLean Street Housing Development) – First Reading

Next Meetings

7 pm, November 28, 2017 – Regular Council Meeting

7 pm, December 5, 2017 – Regular Council Meeting

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