Monday, November 6, 2017

Steve's Meeting/Expense Calendar - October 2017

In the month of October 2017 - I attended the following meetings/events:

October 6th - Met with CRD Manager of Community Services re: 2018 Area D Economic Development Function's Budget Business Plan/Budget

October 12th - Met with CRD CAO J. MacLean re: Area D issues

October 13th - Local Prayer Breakfast with Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb, CRD Area F Director Joan Sorley, CRD Chair Al Richmond, Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett and Cariboo-Prince George MP Todd Doherty

October 18th - Met with CRD CAO J. MacLean re: McLeese Lake land use application at 1561 Kitsul Rd

October 19th - CRD Finance/Budget Committee Meeting (Review of 2018 Business Plans)

October 20th - CRD/CCRHD Board Meetings

October 25th - Central Cariboo Rural Caucus/Joint Committee Meetings

For expenses submitted in the month of October:

October 19th  - $185 for CRD Finance/Budget Committee Meeting
October 20th - $185 for CRD/CCRHD Board Meetings
October 25th - $75 for Central Cariboo Rural Caucus/Joint Committee Meetings


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