Saturday, December 23, 2017

Joan Sorley will not seek re-election in 2018

Yesterday - Joan Sorley, the Cariboo Regional District Electoral Area 'F' Director announced in her 2017 Annual Report (view here) to her Area residents' that she would not seek re-election in 2018.  In explaining her decision, she said:

It has been a difficult decision, and my emotions are certainly mixed. The reasons behind my decision are varied and complex, and I won’t go into them here except to say that I will be 67 at the end of this term. It’s time to start a new chapter, hopefully one that will allow me more time with my family. I will also say that I love my job, I am proud to represent all of you, and I am very proud of the community spirit in every one of our communities! I am announcing early because it is my hope that there is a community-minded, service-oriented person out there who would like to run for the office. The job calls for a great deal of commitment and hard work for a 4-year term, but it is extremely rewarding in terms of community support, and learning and networking opportunities.

Director Sorley was first elected in a Cariboo Regional District Electoral Area 'F' by-election in January 2011 and subsequently re-elected, by acclamation, in the November 2011 and 2014 Local General Elections.  I can honestly say that it personally has been a privilege to work with Director Joan Sorley and she will be missed at the Cariboo Regional District Board table when she leaves office in less than a year from now and she certainly has been helpful to a number of Cariboo Regional District Electoral Area Directors', including myself, in performing their elected role in this current term of local government

As Director Sorley says - if you are interested in seeking the office of Cariboo Regional District Electoral Area 'F' Director in next year's local election, give her a call at 250-243-2261 or via email here to get an understanding of the role of Electoral Area 'F' Director or contact the CRD Chief Election Officer via email here

Finally - Director Sorley joins Williams Lake City Councillor Sue Zacharias who earlier this past week said that she is not seeking re-election in the 2018 Local General Election while Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb had earlier announced his intention to seek re-election in the October 20th, 2018 City of Williams Lake Local General Election, back on December 9th of this year.

All other local elected officials in the Cariboo-Chilcotin have yet to declare their 2018 Election Plans and I don't expect that you will hear anything from them until closer towards Summer/Fall 2018...


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