Friday, December 1, 2017

Steve's Meeting/Expense Calendar - Nov 2017

In the month of November 2017 - I attended the following meetings or events:

November 11th - Presentation of Remembrance Day wreath for the Cariboo Regional District

November 14th - Took a helicopter flight with Cariboo RD Area E Alternate Director Melynda Neufeld and Area K Director Betty Anderson to view wildfire damage from the air within the Central Cariboo sub-region

November 16th - Meetings of CRD 50th Anniversary Committee, Joint Central/South Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus, Finance/Budget Committee

November 17th - CCRHD/CRD Board Meetings
November 22nd - Central Rural Directors' Caucus Meeting
November 23rd - Annual Thank You Lunch with Area D Alternate Director Phyllis Webstad
November 30th - Attended November Regular Meeting of the Williams Lake/District Chamber of Commerce, on behalf of Central CRD Rural Directors and the film called "Era of Mega Fires" which is about mega fires have been building up for decades and what some of the solutions are going forward, as a result of this past summer's wildfires

As of expenses submitted for the month of November:

November 16th - $185 for the CRD Finance/Budget Committee meeting held on this day
November 17th - $185 for the CRD/CCRHD Board Meetings held on this day


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