Thursday, December 7, 2017

Taseko Mines loses in Federal Court re: New Prosperity

After the Feb 2013 federal government decision to deny an environmental certificate to Taseko Mines Ltd for New Prosperity and the subsequent decision to take the Federal Government to the Federal Court of Canada over process concerns  - the Court has rejected the arguments of Taseko Mines.

You can read the court decisions here and here

Chief Russell Myers Ross, Chief of Yunesit’in and Director of the Tsilhqot’in National Government was pleased with the decision saying:

“The Tsilhqot’in share gratitude in the conclusion of two fair judgements that serve as vindication to the decades of struggle to protect Nabas and Teztan Biny. In my opinion, these efforts by Taseko Mines Ltd. represents a waste of time and public money, and I believe it is necessary for this company to move on from fantasizing about this destructive project. This area remains significant to our Nation and this conflict is one reason why we have moved towards developing the Dasiqox Tribal Park – to move towards a space of reconciliation, reciprocity and consent.”

While Councillor Marilyn Baptiste, Councillor of the Xeni Gwet’in First Nations Government and Director of the Tsilhqot’in National Government said:

“The Tsilhqot’in hold great value in Teztan Biny and Nabas and their abundant resources. We are very proud of our Elders, our Youth, our Leaders, and many friends and neighbours from all walks of life, who sacrificed to protect this Tsilhqot’in sacred site and cultural school. We welcome this decision as a testament to those efforts. All levels of government need to continue to protect the lands and waters first and uphold the UNDRIP (United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples).”

Chief Roger William of the Xeni Gwet'in First Nations Government was equally pleased with the decision which you can read his comments here

For their part, Brian Pattison from Taseko Mines stated that the Company is currently reviewing the decision and had no further comment with regard to the Court's decision or the impact of the project, moving forward

The Court's decision could be further appealed, upon being granted permission, to the Supreme Court of Canada

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