Wednesday, January 10, 2018

2018 Tsi Del Del (Alexis Creek) First Nation Election

Yesterday - the electors' of Tsi Del Del (Alexis Creek First Nations) went to the polls to elect a new Chief and Council for a 2 year term.  Tsi Del Del is one of the six bands that forms the Tsilqotin Nation

There were 3 candidates for Chief and 23 for Councillor to choose from

The successful candidates were:

Otis Guichon, Sr (Chief) & MaryAnne Boyd, Agnes Case, Clayton Charleyboy, Percy Guichon, Rocky Guichon and Nicole Setah (Councillors')

Congrats to the new 2018-20 Tsi Del Del Chief/Council

The next Indigenous (First Nations) election in the Region will be the Xat'sull (Deep Creek/Soda Creek) First Nations Chief By-election to elect a person to fill the position to serve the remainder of the 2015-19 Term.  The Xat'sull Chief by-election will be held on Monday, January 22nd, 2018


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