Monday, January 22, 2018

9 months to 2018 Local Elections

This past Saturday (January 20th) marked the 9 month point before electors in Wells, Quesnel, Williams Lake, 100 Mile House and in Electoral Areas 'A' to 'L' of the Cariboo Regional District proceed to voting booths, on Saturday October 20th, 2018, to elect new Mayors, Councillors, Electoral Area Directors' and School Trustees in School Districts #28 (Quesnel) and #27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) for the 2018-2022 term

Thus far -- only Cariboo Regional District Area 'F' Director Joan Sorley and Williams Lake City Councillor Sue Zacharias have announced they will not seek re-election while Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb has announced that he will seek re-election.  The rest of the local elected officials in the Region have made no announcements and are likely not to do so until closer to Summer 2018

Meanwhile - electors today in Xat'sull (Soda Creek Indian Band) will be voting for a new Chief to serve out the remainder of the 2015-19 term.  The candidates are Andrea Gilbert and Sandy Sellars.  The candidates platform can be viewed from the Xat'sull Facebook page here.  Results may be known later tonight or sometime Tuesday.  I am personally looking forward to hearing who the successful candidate is, as both CRD Area D/F are within the traditional territory of the Xat'sull First Nations and I have partnered with them regarding their Heritage Village and look forward to working with them on future joint projects...


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