Saturday, February 3, 2018

2018 Cariboo RD Area E By-Election

Back on January 15th of this year - former Cariboo RD Electoral Area E Director Byron Kemp passed away and consequently, Section 201(5a) of the Local Government Act (Act) was invoked:

(5) If the office of an electoral area director becomes vacant through resignation, disqualification or death,

(a) the alternate director (M. Neufeld) holds the office (of Electoral Area E Director) until that person's successor takes office following the next election for the office

Meanwhile, the Regional District is now required to hold a by-election to fill the vacancy in the office of Director of Electoral Area 'E' of the Cariboo Regional District which was caused by Mr. Kemp's death and is contemplated under Section 54 (1 + 2) of the Act, as follows:

Section 54

An election must be held to fill a vacancy in an elected local government office that occurs in any of the following circumstances

1c) the person holding the office dies;

2) A local government may decide that a by-election is not to be held if the vacancy occurs after June 1 in the year of a general local election that will fill the office

At its meeting on Thursday, Feb 8th - the Cariboo Regional District Board of Directors' will consider a recommendation to appoint Alice Johnston as Chief Election Officer and Lore Schick as Deputy Chief Election Officer for the 2018 Electoral Area E By-Election.  The Board is fully expected to approve this recommendation

The process for a local government by-election is set out in Section 54 of the Act which you can read here.  If, during the upcoming 10 day nomination period, only 1 nomination is received, then a full by-election is not necessary.  However, if more than 1 candidate is nominated, then a full by-election will proceed with General Voting Day being held no later than Saturday, April 28th, 2018.  The successfully elected candidate will then assume the office of Director of Electoral Area 'E' of the Cariboo Regional District for the balance of the 2014-2018 Local Government term and be required to run again in the October 20th, 2018 General Local Election, should he or she choose to do so


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