Friday, February 2, 2018

2018 LGLA Leadership Forum - Day 3

Today is the final day of the 2018 Local Government Leadership Academy's Annual Leadership Forum which adjourns at 12 noon.  Full Agenda details here

Day 3 of the 2018 LGLA Annual Leadership Forum includes the following:

* BC Assessment Authority: Past, Present & Future
* You’re Canadian! How hard can it be to say sorry? (Presentation from Municipal Insurance Association of BC)
* Legalizing Cannabis: The Role of Local Governments
* Why Should Local Governments Care about the Global Capital Markets?
* Preparing for the 2018 General Local Election
* New Economic Development Opportunities & Alternative Revenue Sources
* Greetings from Green Party Spokesperson for Municipal Affairs & Housing, MLA Adam Olsen
* Closing Remarks/Adjourn


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