Monday, February 19, 2018

Mayor of Wells resigns!

In what could only be described as a stunning move - Robin Sharpe handed in his resignation from the office of Mayor - District of Wells (District) this past Friday at 5pm

Read the resignation letter which has publicly posted on the District's website here while the community of Wells this past weekend discussed this development on a Facebook page praising Mr. Sharpe's leadership for the community of Wells here

Mr. Sharpe also represented the District on the Cariboo Regional District (CRD) Board and chaired the CRD's Heritage Committee, to which I was immensely grateful and appreciative for his work on the Committee.  He/I often talked about the various facets of heritage in my own Electoral Area.  In my opinion, Mr. Sharpe has been the Regional District's greatest champion for heritage in our Region of BC

This past Saturday afternoon, I let him know that while I was profoundly saddened that he had to make this decision, I respected the fact that he must look after his own personal health and that I always appreciated our conversations at the Board table and many of the CRD Directors', I'm sure, will sincerely miss his presence at the CRD Board table and I sincerely hope that our paths would cross once again

In terms of next steps, District Council will need to decide whether or not to hold a by-election to fill the now-vacant District of Wells Mayor's seat, given the mandatory general local election on October 20th, 2018

District Council does have the legal option under Section 54(3) of the Local Government Act - click here, to waive a Mayor by-election given the vacancy has occurred in the year of a general local election and the remaining membership of the District of Wells Council is one greater than the required quorum of District Council (3)

District Council will also have to appoint one of their number (4) to be the CRD Director for the District of Wells on the CRD Board, for the remainder of the 2014-18 term of local government (7 months)


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