Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Quesnel Council Highlights - Feb 21st mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Lewis Drive Rink – Community Donation
Jennifer Roberts, Grade 7 Riverview Elementary School Teacher, and previous Grade 7 Riverview Elementary School students, Bailey Jackson and Liam Inscho, as well as Colin Ketchum of Ketchum Enterprises, have donated their time to fundraise for the Lewis Drive Rink Refurbish Project. The group presented Council with a $300 cheque towards this project.
Proposed Solid Fuel Burning Bylaw
Council has approved the first three readings of the proposed Solid Fuel Burning Bylaw 1827 that would see regulations around solid wood burning fuel appliances for the City. Bylaw 1827 would:
  • Apply to all solid-fuel burning appliances as defined in the Province’s Solid Fuel Burning Domestic Appliance Regulation (“Regulation”).
  • Update the certification for these appliances to align with the Regulation.
  • Define what fuel may and may not be burnt as set out in the Regulation.
  • Ban burning during Air Quality Advisory Days.
  • Ban on installation of outdoor wood boilers.
  • Enforce replacing a solid wood burning appliance through a City Permit.
Cannabis Policy Development
The City is required to plan for the impacts of recreational use and sales of cannabis in advance of the legalization of recreational cannabis. Due to pending Provincial regulations not being finalized, many Municipalities across the province are struggling to be ready for the upcoming legalization of recreational cannabis. As a result, Municipal law experts have advised to prohibit retailing of cannabis as this will permit communities to develop appropriate policy with community consultation. Council has approved first reading for the proposed Zoning Amendment Bylaw 1845 that would update the language/terminology for cannabis, and would separate production/distribution zoning from retailing activities zoning. Next steps will include additional consultation on the policy and further consideration of bylaw readings. Following second reading of the bylaw, a Public Hearing will be set.
Flood & Wildfire Strategic Review
The Provincial government is currently collecting input as part of a strategic review of the Province’s Emergency Management System with the goal to improve this system’s processes and procedures. Council approved the following recommendations to be forwarded to the Provincial government as areas of concern regarding the City of Quesnel’s Emergency Management System:
  • Ongoing funding support for an Emergency Planning Coordinator position.
  • Emergency Planning funding should be made available on a regular basis with a wider range of discretion on eligible expenditures.
  • The Emergency Social Services Evacuee Registration and Voucher System for purchases needs to be modernized.
  • Ongoing funding assistance needs to be provided for smaller airports which may become critical resources during emergency responses.
  • Investigate the legislative changes required if a sub-regional approach was determined by the local government (municipality and regional district) to be the best approach to a given emergency situation.
Highway 97 Safety and Traffic Improvement – Study Phase
The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (“MOTI”) recently hosted two public information sessions, on February 7 and 19, to provide information and receive public input regarding MOTI’s review of potential safety and traffic improvement for the City. Council has endorsed the following two proposals and requests that the Province continue forward on to the Detailed Design Phase in 2018:
  • AR1: North South Interconnector; and
  • AR4: Racing Road/Highway 97 AND Quesnel Hydraulic Road/Highway 97 Intersections Improvements.
Next steps include MOTI’s final report and recommendations scheduled to be presented to Council at the March 27, 2018 Regular Council meeting.
  • 1827 Solid Fuel Burning – First, Second and Third Readings
  • 1837 Cannabis Regulations – First Reading
  • 1843 Council Procedures – Change Start Time of Council Meeting to 6 pm – Second and Third Readings
Next Meetings
  • 7 pm, March 6, 2018 – Regular Council Meeting
  • 5:30 pm, March 13, 2018 – North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee

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