Saturday, March 10, 2018

Cariboo RD Board to receive Final Report of Post-Wildfire Community Consultation Meetings

At its' Special Meeting on Friday, March 16th - the Cariboo Regional District (CRD) Board of Directors' will receive the final report of the 2017 Post Wildfire Community Consultation Meetings held throughout the Region last fall/winter which was led by Butterfly Effect Communications, an external communications firm hired by the CRD to complete this work and develop a crisis communications strategy.

Funding for the meetings and the final report is being provided by the Province of British Columbia which is greatly appreciated

The final report has a number of recommendations broken down by topic area which includes:

* Communications
* Prevention
* Wildfire Fighting
* Recovery

You can view the final report along with its appendix, which includes comments made at the individual meetings here.  CRD Staff are recommending that this report be referred to the CRD's Emergency Preparedness Committee to develop an Action Plan to consider implementing the Final Report's recommendations which ultimately must be approved by the full CRD Board of Directors'.

The Board will also be presented with the internal debrief with Emergency Operations Centre staff & external agencies the CRD coordinated with during the wildfires and the Board at the same meeting. This report will be available late next week as a late agenda item

The CRD's Emergency Preparedness Committee's membership is comprised of the following Cariboo Regional District elected officials:

Directors' Margo Wagner (Committee Chair and CRD Board Chair), Ted Armstrong, John Massier, Steve Forseth, Joan Sorley, Al Richmond and Betty Anderson (CRD Electoral Areas A, C, D, F, G, H and K)


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