Friday, March 2, 2018

CRD Board Highlights - March 2nd mtg

Present: Vice-Chair J. Massier; Directors T. Armstrong, J. Bruce, S. Forseth, M. Neufeld, A. Richmond, D. Cash, R. William, B. Anderson, B. Coakley, B. Kuch, B. Simpson, W. Cobb, M. Campsall and Alternate Directors J. Darney (Electoral Area 'F') and R. Cash (Electoral Area I)

Meeting Agenda adopted/Minutes of the CRD Board meeting held February 16th adopted

Delegations Memorandum of Business (MOB) received and at the request of Director Forseth, the delegation pertaining to CN Rail was removed from the Delegations MOB

Late Item -- Resolved, The Board gave 3rd Reading/Adoption to Quesnel Fringe Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw #5120, 2017 (Area A - Dougherty)


1) The Board received the January 2018 Municipalities and Cariboo Regional District Building Statistics Reports

2) The Board received an memorandum from the Manager of Development Services in regards to Additional Regulations for Secondary Suites, endorsed the 3 recommendations contained within it and directed Staff to report back at the March 23rd Board meeting

3) The Board endorsed two NDIT (Northern Development Initiative Trust) applications, as per Board Policy, as follows:

a) Nimpo Lake Community Trail System
b) Barkerville - Underground Mining Interpretation Project

4) The Board received Grant for Assistance applications (Year Round Intake) as follows:

a) Carrier Chilcotin Tribal Council - $1,000 from Areas I/J/K
b) Tatla Lake Elementary Junior Secondary School - $800 from Area J
c) Alexis Creek Community Club - $1,000 from Area K
d) Chilcotin Rod and Gun Club  - $1,000 from Area E/K

5) The Board approved changes to the 2018 Business/Financial Plans for the Building Inspection Service by increasing tax requisition by an additional $10,000 in 2018 to fund changes to the service delivery model for the function and the 2018 Business/Financial Plans for the Building Inspection Service be changed accordingly and a letter be forwarded to the Province in regards to lack of Building Inspectors

6) The Board approved changes to the 2018 Business/Financial Plans for the Planning Services Function by increasing tax requisition by an additional $122,000 to fund an additional position in the Planning Department and the 2018 Business/Financial Plans for the Function be changed accordingly

7) The Board approved submission of an 2018 North Central Local Government Association Resolution pertaining to Regional District By-Elections held in the year of a local general election as follows:

WHEREAS under the Local Government Act, municipalities are not required to conduct a by-election if a vacancy occurs after January 1st in a general election year;

AND WHEREAS under the Local Government Act, regional districts are required to conduct a by-election unless a vacancy occurs after June 1st in a general election year, which is expensive and unnecessary for such a short period of time:

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the NCLGA and UBCM lobby the provincial government to amend the Local Government Act to enable regional districts to decide whether they wish to conduct a by-election if a vacancy occurs after January 1st in a general election year.

Meeting recessed at 10:48am
Meeting resumed at 10:57am

8) The Board received the Consent Calendar, as of March 2nd, 2018

9) The Board received NCLGA/FCM/UBCM Member Items, as follows:

a) Village of Chase - Copy of Letter to Minister of Public Safety - Revenue from Cannabis Sales
b) Town of Oliver - Copy of Letter to Premier Horgan - Alberta-BC Trade War
c) Village of Chase - Prevention of Quagga and Zebra Mussels
d) District of Sicamous - Cannabis Sales Revenue Sharing
e) District of North Saanich - Resolution re Marihuana Addiction Treatment, Prevention and Education
f) City of Enderby - Revenue Sales from Cannabis
g) Township of Spallumcheen - Copy of letter to City of Courtenay - 2018 Resolution/Asset Management

10) The Board received the following minutes from its Committees/Commissions, as follows:

a) North Cariboo Joint Planning and School District #28 Joint Minutes - June 14, 2017
b) North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee Minutes - October 25, 2017
c) North Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus Minutes - February 13, 2018
d) North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee Minutes - February 13, 2018
e) Special Meeting, Committee of the Whole - February 15, 2018

11) The Board endorsed recommendations from its' Committees/Commissions as follows:

a) North Cariboo Appointments (North Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus Meeting - February 13th, 2018)
b) Proposed North Cariboo Agricultural Development Advisory Committee (North Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus Meeting - February 13th, 2018)

Board divided. Approved by the following vote:

Affirmative - Vice-Chair Massier; Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Neufeld, Richmond, William, Anderson, Coakley, Kuch, Simpson, Cobb, Campsall and Alternate Directors Darney/Cash

Negative - Director S. Forseth (Area D)

c) Funding Options for Quesnel Amateur Radio Operators (North Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus Meeting - February 13th, 2018)
d) Request for Funding - Paramill for the Arts and Recreation Centre (North Cariboo Joint Committee - February 13th, 2018)
e) Think Tank Session on the Future of Forestry (North Cariboo Joint Committee - February 13th, 2018)
f) Cariboo Strong Program - (Special Committee of Whole Board Meeting - February 15th, 2018)
g) Communications regarding Planning Applications and Issues - (Special Committee of Whole Board Meeting - February 15th, 2018)

12) The Board agreed to adopt West Fraser Fire Protection Service Boundary Amendment Bylaw No. 5131, 2018

13) At the request of Director Richmond (Area G) - the Board agreed to authorize funding from the  Area 'G' Director Initiative Fund up to $3,500 for him to attend the 2018 Federation of Canadian Municipalities Convention in Halifax, NS from May 31st to June 3rd, 2018

14) The Board received the report of Chair M. Wagner as of February 25th, 2018

Directors' reported on activities in their Electoral Area or Municipality

The Board then convened an In-Camera Meeting under the provisions of Section 90(1k - negotiations) of the Community Charter and after some time, adjourned its' meeting

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