Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Grant Funding Announced for Airport Investment Master Plan

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

The City of Williams Lake has been awarded a $48,000 grant from the Rural Dividend Program for its Airport Investment Master Plan.

“We were pleased to hear that we were successful in our application to the Rural Dividend Program for this grant,” says Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb. “This project will enable the City to develop a strategy to guide future development of the airport lands.”

The BC Rural Dividend Program provides funding to assist rural communities to reinvigorate and diversify their local economies, with a goal to increase their strength and sustainability, making them more attractive places to live and work. The program is focused on supporting worthy projects that help rural communities navigate changes impacting their economies, such as attracting and retaining youth, using innovation to drive economic growth, and developing new and effective partnerships to support shared prosperity.

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