Friday, March 9, 2018

New trucks delivered to CRD Fire Departments

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

Three Cariboo Regional District volunteer fire departments are proud owners of new fire apparatus. The last truck, a tandem-axel water tender, arrived this week for the Ten Mile Volunteer Fire Department (VFD).

“The new tender will improve our response times to emergency incidents, because it will fill and empty faster than what the Ten Mile VFD has at the moment. We are thankful to the CRD for their cooperation and assistance to help make it happen,” said Ten Mile VFD Chief Danny Keeler.

The CRD also purchased a new fire engine for the Interlakes Volunteer Fire Department and a tandem-axel water tender for the 108 Mile Volunteer Fire Department. These new vehicles were delivered over the last two months.

Interlakes VFD Chief Doug Townsend explains, “It is nice to have a new piece of equipment to work with and this certainly would not be possible without the tax structure of the CRD. We now have something to take great pride in!”

Because of insurance requirements, all the CRD’s fire apparatus are on a replacement schedule. Last year, the CRD made the decision to standardize the trucks used by the volunteer fire departments for the next 15 years. Going forward, this style of engine and water tender will be the standard as departments’ apparatus requires replacing.

“This last summer just goes to show how important our volunteer fire departments are to our communities. Having equipment that is up to standard is critical for the work they do. Many thanks to all the volunteers that serve and protect our communities,” commented CRD Chair Margo Wagner.

The CRD’s Protective Services department provides a variety of services throughout the Cariboo Chilcotin, including 9-1-1, Emergency Planning, Search and Rescue, Highway Rescue, Structural Fire Protection and Wildland/Urban Interface Fuel Management.

The Cariboo Regional District has 14 volunteer fire departments. For more information about the CRD’s VFD’s or information about joining these groups of dedicated volunteers, visit

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