Friday, March 16, 2018

South Cariboo Joint Committee meets today!

At 2pm today in 100 Mile House Council Chambers (385 Birch Avenue) - the South Cariboo Joint Committee, which consists of the Cariboo Regional District Area G, H, L Directors (Al Richmond, Margo Wagner and Brian Coakley) & all of 100 Mile District Council (Mayor Campsall and Councillors Dave Mingo, Spence Henderson, Bill Hadden and Ralph Fossum), will be meeting to discuss the following matters:

Delegation -- Maryanne Capnerhurst, 100 Mile Nordics (Update on Club Activities)


* 100 Mile Community Band - $300 Funding Request
* Use and Occupancy Agreement Renewal with the 100 Mile Agriplex Society - Renew until March 31st, 2019
* Review Public Consultation Results - South Cariboo Recreation Expansion Project - and determine next steps

View the full Agenda here

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