Thursday, March 1, 2018

Thinking about running for local office in October 2018?

Courtesy of the Government of BC:

People considering running in local elections now have access to resources that provide information about the roles and responsibilities of elected local officials.

Educational videos and a brochure are available online, at local government candidate information sessions and at orientations for newly elected officials. These new resources will help people to make informed decisions about running for local government offices.

General information about expectations of locally elected officials, their roles and responsibilities and about how local governments make decisions is available through these new resources.

The informative videos feature current local government officials and staff from throughout the province providing their perspectives in five areas:

What is local government?
Characteristics of an effective local official
Roles and responsibilities of staff and elected officials
Testing readiness to be an elected official
What contributes to effective decision making?

In an effort to create awareness, the Local Government Management Association, Local Government Leadership Academy, Union of B.C. Municipalities and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing worked to develop the materials for a diverse audience of prospective candidates.

Learn More:

Thinking of running for local office?


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