Friday, April 20, 2018

6 months to 2018 Local Gov't Elections

Today marks the 6 month point before the electors (voters') in Wells, Quesnel, Williams Lake, 100 Mile House and in Electoral Areas 'A' to 'L' of the Cariboo Regional District proceed to voting booths, on Saturday October 20th, 2018 (2018 Local Elections - General Voting Day) to elect new Mayors, Councillors, Electoral Area Directors' and School Trustees in School Districts #28 (Quesnel) and #27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) for the 2018-2022 local government term of office

At this stage - the following incumbent local elected officials have confirmed their 2018 Election plans with local media, as follows:

School Districts #27/28 (Cariboo-Chilcotin/Quesnel) - no public announcements to date

Wells - No public announcements to date

Quesnel - Mayor Bob Simpson to seek a 2nd term.  Quesnel City Councillors Brisco, Roodenburg, Thapar, Paull, Elliott and Coleman have made no public announcements to date

Williams Lake - Mayor Walt Cobb to seek re-election a 2nd term as will 1st term City Councillor Craig Smith.  3rd term City Councillor Sue Zacharias will not seek re-election while Councillors Nelson, Ryll, Walters and Bonnell have not made public announcements to date

100 Mile House - Mayor Mitch Campsall to seek a 4th term in October.  No public announcements from Councillors Fossum, Hadden, Henderson and Mingo

Cariboo Regional District (CRD) - Directors John Massier, Al Richmond, Margo Wagner, Betty Anderson and Brian Coakley to seek re-election in their respective Electoral Areas (CRD Areas C, G, H, K and L)

Meanwhile, Directors Ted Armstrong, Jerry Bruce, Joan Sorley (CRD Areas A, B, F) have confirmed that they will not seek re-election while Directors Dylan Cash and Roger William have made no public announcements to date (CRD Areas I and J).  Newly elected Cariboo Regional District Area 'E' Director Angie Delainey has said to local media that it is highly likely (90%) that she will run in the local government elections this October, but did not specify which Cariboo-Chilcotin local government she would seek public office for

For myself in CRD Electoral Area D, I have made a decision relative to the 2018 General Local Election and have already informed my "Area D Family" of my decision and will announce publicly, closer to September 2018 what my election plans are.  When I ran in 2014 - I didn't announce until July of 2014, a mere 4 months before the 2014 General Local Election/General Voting Day and I don't see any urgency to announce my 2018 election plans right now, at this stage

With the 2018 Local General Election rapidly coming up in September, hopefully people are weighing their options now as September will come quickly and committing to a 4 year term in local government should be no easy decision... both for incumbents and challengers.  Those seeking re-election and those seeking election for the 1st time should review information from Elections BC before submitting a nomination package in September 2018 as they (Elections BC) ensure candidates (incumbents/challengers) comply with provincial law around campaign spending limits, expenses.  For those details, click here

Upcoming 2018 Local Government Election key dates:

August 5th - 1st of 2 notices of upcoming Nomination Period for 2018 Local Government Election Period

August 28th 2nd of 2 notices of upcoming Nomination Period for 2018 Local Government Election Period

Note - Between Aug 5th-Sept 4th, 2018 -- Chief Election Officers' from the various Local Governments/Boards' of Education to announce that nomination packages are available for pickup by prospective candidates (incumbents/challengers) but individuals won't be able to file formally with the Chief Election Officer of the Local Government/Board of Education that they are interested in seeking office with until the formal Nomination Period of Sept 4-14, 2018 commences

September 4th - 14th - Nomination Period for 2018 Local Elections for the Offices of School Trustee, Electoral Area Director, City Councillor and Mayor.  Unofficial declaration of candidates to occur after 4pm on Friday, September 14th

Monday, September 24th - Official Declaration of Candidates - either Elected by Acclamation for the 2018-22 term of local government or declaration of election by voting necessary for the various Offices of Electoral Area Director, School Trustee, Councillor or Mayor

Wednesday, October 10th - Required Advanced Voting Opportunity for October 20th, 2018 Local General Election

Saturday, October 20th - General Voting Day/Unofficial Declaration of Results of 2018 Local General Election after close of polls at 8pm

Tuesday, October 23rd - Official Declaration of Results of 2018 Local General Election

November 2018 - Holding of Inaugural Meetings for the 2018-2022 local government term at Muncipal Councils', Cariboo Regional District Board and Boards' of Education for School Districts' #27/28 (Cariboo-Chilcotin/Quesnel)


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