Monday, April 9, 2018

BC Red Cross extends deadline for Small Bus/Non-Profits/FN Cultural Groups to May 31st

Last Friday - I heard from Kim Nemrava who is Vice-President of the BC/Yukon Division of the Canadian Red Cross in relation to their current ongoing Phase 2 Support for Small Business and First Nations Cultural Livelihoods Program.  This program's deadline was recently extended from this month to May 4th which has now been extended until May 31st.  Read below the details she has provided me:

We have recently received approval to extend the boundary for Support to Small Business to include Ocean Falls, Bella Bella, Wuikinuxv Village and Denny Island, as requested by the communities due to road closures. All communities who were on evacuation alert or order are eligible, as well many communities who were affected by road closures. The list of communities eligible for Support to Small Business due to road closures can be found at:

We have extended the application for Support to Small Business to May 31st. We do not anticipate any extension beyond that date, so please encourage people to apply. (our website currently shows May 4th as the deadline; this will be changed soon to reflect May 31st). Link to application site -

Link to updated program poster here

Please note that after May 31st, we will continue to provide support to individuals and families, and accept applications for community partnerships. Recovery operations of this scope can take 5 years of support, so this work will continue.


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