Thursday, April 26, 2018

Caution urged with warm, windy weather in Cariboo Region

Courtesy of the BC Wildfire Service:

The weather throughout the Cariboo Fire Centre is expected to be warm and breezy until the beginning of next week, with dry conditions persisting throughout most of the region.

The Cariboo Fire Centre has experienced several grass fires over the last week, as forest fuels dry out due to limited precipitation in recent days. These conditions will continue as temperatures rise over the weekend.

The public is reminded that Category 3 open burns are currently prohibited throughout the Cariboo Fire Centre’s jurisdiction, and within the Tsilhqot'in (Xeni Gwet'in) Declared Title Area. Category 3 open burns include:

any fire larger than two metres high by three metres wide
three or more concurrently burning piles no larger than two metres high by three metres wide
one or more burning windrows
burning of stubble or grass over an area greater than 0.2 hectares

A map of the area affected by the Category 3 open burning prohibition is available at:

Although this prohibition does not apply to campfires or Category 2 fires, the BC Wildfire Service is encouraging members of the public to exercise caution when doing any outdoor burning, given the forecasted warm and windy weather. A poster explaining the different categories of open burning is available online:

Anyone conducting an open burn must comply with the Wildfire Act and air quality control legislation. If an open burn escapes and causes a wildfire, the person responsible may be held accountable for damages and fire suppression costs.

The Cariboo Fire Centre stretches from Loon Lake near Clinton in the south to the Cottonwood River near Quesnel in the north, and from Tweedsmuir Provincial Park in the west to Wells Gray Provincial Park in the east.

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To report a wildfire, unattended campfire or open burning violation, call 1 800 663-5555 toll-free or *5555 on a cellphone. For the latest information on current wildfire activity, burning restrictions, road closures and air quality advisories, visit:

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