Tuesday, April 3, 2018

CRD and City of Williams Lake set to host 2019 NCLGA convention

Joint Press Release - City of Williams Lake/Cariboo Regional District:

The Cariboo Regional District and City of Williams Lake will be co-hosting the North Central Local Government Association convention in May 2019. The convention will bring nearly 400 members from industry, local governments and First Nations across the province to Williams Lake for sessions, speakers and tours throughout the region.

“2019 is a special year for the City and CRD to host this conference as it marks the 90th birthday of Williams Lake and the 51st birthday of the CRD,” commented Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb. “This is the perfect opportunity to celebrate these milestones and showcase the City of Williams Lake and the Cariboo-Chilcotin region.”

“I look forward to showing my fellow NCLGA members that the Cariboo is a vibrant and resilient region weathering the 2017 wildfire season, the record breaking snowfalls of the winter of 2018 and the other challenges facing our region in the last few years,” added CRD Chair Margo Wagner. “Through it all, the people of the Cariboo have come together; hosting this conference will be an opportunity to demonstrate our strength and resiliency and the benefits that come from working together.”

"The CRD and Williams Lake are one of our many gems," said Shaely Wilbur, the NCLGA's President. "We are certain their contributions will produce a conference that provides a valuable experience to all attendees and benefits communities across central and northern BC."

In 2007, the City and the CRD previously co-hosted this same event, then known as the North Central Municipal Association, with great success.

Established in 1955, North Central Local Government Association is a non-profit, non-partisan association comprised of all elected officials in North Central British Columbia. They work to connect communities, identify common challenges and facilitate positive change. As they name implies, they are a coalition of cities, towns, Aboriginal communities, villages and regional districts.

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