Friday, April 13, 2018

CRD Board Highlights - Apr 13th mtg

Present: Chair M. Wagner; Directors T. Armstrong, J. Bruce, J. Massier, S. Forseth, M. Neufeld, J. Sorley, A. Richmond, D. Cash, B. Anderson, B. Coakley, B. Kuch, B. Simpson, W. Cobb and M. Campsall

Meeting called to order at 9:50am

Meeting agenda adopted

Resolved - That CRD Meetings during the week of May 1st - 4th be reorganized as discussed

Minutes of the CRD Board meeting held on March 23rd, 2018 be adopted and Special Board Meeting Minutes held on March 16th be adopted

Delegations MOB be received and that the Executive Director from the Forest Enhancement Society be invited to a future meeting to explain the activities of the Society and to speak to the recent provincial announcement of $99 million for Cariboo Forest Enhancement work


Development Services

1) The Board received the Provincial Agriculture Land Commission Report as of April 3rd, 2018
2) The Board received the Building Stats reports for the month of February 2018

Protective Services:

1) The Board received a report of the Administrator concerning the Wildfire Recovery Management Report from Ms. Stephanie Masun

Ms. Masun presented her report to the Board
A Question/Answer period ensued

The Chair thanked Ms. Masun for her presentation

Board recessed at 11:01am to CCRHD Board
Board resumed at 11:16am


JoAnn Francis from PMT Chartered Professional Accountants LLP appeared before the Board to present the Audited 2017 Consolidated Financial Statements for the Cariboo Regional District.

A Question/Answer period ensued

The Chair thanked Ms. Francis for her time/information

Resolved - That the audit findings letter and Audited 2017 Financial Statements for the Cariboo Regional District, prepared by PMT Chartered Professional Accountants LLP, be received and approved as presented.

Business, cont:


1) The Board received/ratified the Monthly Expenditures Report for March 2018 in the amount of $1,605,380.66

2) The Board agreed to approve Grant for Assistance applications (Year Round Intake) as follows:

a) Anahim Lake Community Association - $1,000 from Area J.  Board divided.  Approved by the following vote:

Affirmative - Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Massier, Neufeld, Richmond, Wagner, Cash, Anderson, Coakley, Kuch, Simpson, Cobb and Campsall

Negative - Directors S. Forseth/J. Sorley (Areas D/F)

b) Hawkins Lake Volunteer Fire Fighters Association - $1,000 from Area H
c) Quesnel Tillicum Society - Refer back to North Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus
d) McLeese Lake Volunteer Fire Department Society - $1,000 divided equally between Areas D/F


1) The Board passed the following Resolutions in relation to the June 9th South Cariboo Recreation Centre Facility Expansion referendum, as follows:

a) That the agenda item summary from Alice Johnston, Corporate Officer, dated April 4, 2018, regarding an assent vote (referendum) for Cariboo Regional District South Cariboo Recreation Service Amendment Bylaw No. 5129, 2018 and South Cariboo Recreation Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 5130, 2018, be received. Further, that the Cariboo Regional District proceed to referendum as per the South Cariboo Joint Committee’s recommendation, to obtain public assent of the electorate in the South Cariboo Recreation Service Area to be conducted on June 9, 2018.

b) That by an affirmative vote of at least 2/3rds of the votes cast, the Cariboo Regional District Board hereby provides that the participating area approval is to be obtained for the entire service area in the assent vote on Cariboo Regional District South Cariboo Recreation Service Amendment Bylaw No. 5129, 2018 and South Cariboo Recreation Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 5130, 2018.

c) That Alice Johnston, Corporate Officer, be appointed Chief Election Officer for the South Cariboo Recreation Assent Vote, and that Lore Schick, Deputy Corporate Officer, be appointed Deputy Chief Election Officer

d) That the question to be put to the electorate for the South Cariboo Recreation Assent Vote on June 9, 2018, be as follows:
Are you in favour of the Cariboo Regional District adopting Bylaw 5130, which will authorize the borrowing of up to $10 million over 20 years to build an indoor field, hard court gymnasium and walking track at the South Cariboo Recreation Centre; and Bylaw 5129, which will increase the South Cariboo Recreation Service annual taxation limit to a maximum of the greater of $1,800,000 or $1.57/$1,000 of assessed value of land and improvements?

(The estimated annual cost to undertake this borrowing and operate the upgraded facility translates to a residential tax rate increase of approximately $65 per $100,000 of net taxable assessed value of land and improvements.)

2) The Board received a report from the Administrator concerning a deferred Board Resolution on the Province's Speculation Tax and the deferred motion of Director B. Coakley (Electoral Area 'L') was defeated as follows:

"That a letter be written to Premier Horgan stating that the CRD Board believes that any form of a cabin tax, speculation tax, asset tax or secondary property tax to any resident of BC or foreigner, to an area that would take years to recover from the wildfires of 2017, would be an absolute economic disaster"

3) The Board received the Electoral Area E By-Election Official Vote Declaration stating that Ms. Angie Delainey was elected

4) The Board received the Consent and Financial Consent Calendars, as of April 13th, 2018

5) The Board received NCLGA/UBCM/FCM Member Items as follows:

a) City of Maple Ridge - Employer Health Tax
b) The Corporation of the District of Peachland - Cannabis Sales Revenue Sharing
c) Regional District of Bulkley Nechako - The Nechako Reservoir Dam Emergency Plan

Meeting recessed at 11:53am
Meeting resumed at 12:30pm

Committee/Commission Minutes/Recommendations

1) The Board received the following Committee or Commission Minutes:

a) North Cariboo Joint Committee - March 13th, 2018
b) South Cariboo Joint Committee - March 16th, 2018
c) Policy Committee - March 22nd, 2018
d) Central Cariboo Joint Committee - March 28th, 2018

2) The Board endorsed the following recommendations from CRD Committee or Commission Meetings:

a) North Cariboo Joint Committee/March 13th, 2018 -- Proposed North Cariboo Airport Service - Referendum and Public Engagement

b) North Cariboo Joint Committee Terms of Reference - Refer back to North Cariboo Joint Committee.  Board divided.  Approved by the following vote:

Affirmative - Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Massier, Forseth, Neufeld, Sorley, Richmond, Wagner, Anderson, Coakley, Cobb and Campsall

Negative - Directors Cash, Kuch and Simpson

c) South Cariboo Joint Committee/March 16th, 2018 -- Use and Occupancy Agreement Renewal with the 100 Mile Agriplex Society; South Cariboo Recreation Centre Expansion Public Consultation Results/Proceed to Referendum

d) Policy Committee/March 22nd, 2018 -- Workplace Bullying and Harassment Policy (Staff) and Election Period Communications Policy (Reaffirmed) and No Grant for Assistance applications (Year Round Intake) 90 days/3 months prior to General Local Elections

e) Central Cariboo Joint Committee/March 28th, 2018 -- Hosting of 2019 NCLGA Convention; CCACS 2018 Project Grants Program Recommendations; CC Conservation Society Water Wise Art Display Request at West Fraser Aquatic Centre (Director W.Cobb opposed); NDIT Grant Funding for CMRC Arena Change Room Expansion

e) North Cariboo Joint Committee/April 10th, 2018 -- CRD Special Circumstances Application to the Rural Dividend Fund/Alex Fraser Park - new Animal Hosting Facility

Corporate Bylaws:

1) North Cariboo Rural Agricultural Development Advisory Committee Bylaw No. 5137, 2018 was given 3rd Reading/Adoption

Directors Requests

1) At the request of Director J. Sorley (Electoral Area 'F') - $100 from the Area F Director Initiative Fund to host a FireSmart meeting at Miocene and put on by the Miocene Fire Department was approved by the Board

The Board received written reports from the Administrator and Chair Wagner

Directors provided oral reports on their recent activities in their Electoral Area or Municipality

The Board adjourned at 2:00pm

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