Sunday, April 29, 2018

Flood Watch in Cariboo RD Electoral Area 'D'

Culvert Outflow from a creek
north of "Downtown" McLeese Lake
This past Thursday - the Cariboo Regional District activated its' Emergency Operations Centre or EOC as a result of high water stream flow or actual flooding events (Nazko - Electoral Area I) throughout the Region and the CRD's EOC continues to monitor the situation and respond, as appropriate in concert with the BC Ministries of Transportation/Infrastructure & Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations/Rural Development

Within Cariboo RD Electoral Area 'D' - the situation is relatively ok with a number of fields locally flooded but away from any structures (sheds, homes, etc) for the moment.  One property on Forglen Rd in McLeese Lake which is right beside McLeese Creek and also has high stream flow has been in contact with the CRD's EOC and has received sandbags to help keep the water from coming into his basement.  In addition, the local Fire Department at McLeese Lake has provided this gentlemen with a portable gas-fired pump to pump the water away from his property and further down McLeese Creek...

Hawkes Creek, that is located within Electoral Area 'D', is another water stream that is of concern.  This is being monitored by the Xat'sull First Nation (Soda Creek/Deep Creek) and their EOC has been activated and they are keeping in contact with the CRD EOC as appropriate...

Should you need assistance because of flooding issues on your own property, if you are worried about access to your property being cut off/loss of structures or if you need assistance moving pets/livestock, please contact the Cariboo Regional District's EOC Public Information Line at 1-866-759-4977 or click here


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