Sunday, April 22, 2018

Grants to stop violence, promote Indigenous healing

Courtesy of the Government of BC:

Women escaping violence, Indigenous families healing from intergenerational trauma, and youth needing mentorship to resist gang involvement will benefit from nearly $6.5 million in grants supporting government’s crime prevention priorities.

In all, more than 170 local programs and projects – led by community organizations, school districts, police agencies and others – will receive a one-time grant from civil and criminal forfeiture proceeds.

“Sharing proceeds of crime back with communities, to prevent crime and victimization and help victims to become survivors, is one more way we’re enhancing the services that people count on,” said Mike Farnworth, BC's Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, at an announcement coinciding with Prevention of Violence Against Women Week in British Columbia. “Many of this year’s grant recipients are working with some of our most vulnerable citizens, helping to rebuild and heal after years and, in some cases, lifetimes of violence.”

Farnworth announced the grants today at DIVERSEcity Community Resources Society. DIVERSEcity is receiving nearly $30,000 to enhance domestic violence supports provided to women through transition houses and second-stage recovery houses in Surrey. Another grant of $75,000 will further their Women’s Crime Reduction Program, which targets the intersection of crime reduction and mental health for women from multicultural, Indigenous and non-Indigenous backgrounds, who have been in conflict with the law.

“As our name implies, our organization promotes a safer, more inclusive Surrey,” said Neelam Sahota, CEO of DIVERSEcity. “We envision a community where everyone feels they belong and can achieve their goals.

“These grants will further this important work, helping to empower women who have experienced domestic violence to seek supports they need to maximize their safety and live without violence,” added Sahota. “The grants will also facilitate change and growth for women who experience conflict with the law, to help create better outcomes for children and families.”

Community programs and services that address violence against women, including domestic violence, sexual violence, human trafficking and sexual exploitation, are receiving more than $1.7 million in all. In addition, more than $1.4 million will go to address Indigenous healing and rebuilding. The remaining grants will help fund community initiatives that further crime reduction and community safety, child and youth advocacy centres, restorative justice, and police training and special equipment.

“For many British Columbians, including women and children, violence is a reality in their lives – but it doesn’t have to be that way,” said Mitzi Dean, Parliamentary Secretary for Gender Equity. “Our government is proud to partner with community groups and front-line workers to address violence, support survivors and bring positive change to our communities.”

This year’s provincial grant recipients include:

Sexual Assault Prevention Education, Lake Trail Middle school and Cumberland Community school (Nanaimo, $18,000): To educate grades 8 and 9 students about healthy sexual relationships with the ultimate goal of preventing sexual assaults.

Peer Support, Canadian Mental Health Association (Prince George, $75,000): To help groups of up to 15 inmates with one year or less remaining on their sentence to develop coping skills, find suitable and safe housing, and develop strategies to deal with mental-health and addiction issues.

Vernon Women’s Transition House Society (Vernon, $50,000): To support the Oak Child and Youth Advocacy Centre Project, ensuring it can sustain and expand its capacity.

Cowichan Tribes, Community Safety Building on Healthy Relationships (Duncan, $30,000): To deliver a curriculum focused on anger, empathy and respect to Indigenous families and individuals dealing with intergenerational trauma, toward healing and rebuilding.

Family Services of Greater Vancouver, Counter Exploitation Unit (Vancouver, $25,000): To fund a victim service worker who will support victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation as they navigate the justice system.

The Civil Forfeiture Office (CFO) continues to undermine the profit motive behind criminal activity, by taking away tools and proceeds of crime and putting them back into programs that support community crime prevention and safety. Since 2006, the CFO has provided more than $33.5 million to help organizations throughout B.C. to further their crime prevention efforts, including $2 million in victims’ compensation. This year, more than $5 million is coming from the CFO and more than $1 million from the Criminal Asset Management Fund.

Crime Prevention Grants coming to the Cariboo-Chilcotin:

* $75,000 to Tl'etinqox Government (Alexis Creek) for Tl'etinqox Justice Program: Intervention and Case Management Services: This project will provide targeted interventions to Aboriginal youth who are at-risk of involvement in crime, or currently involved in the Youth Justice System, and case management to adults currently involved in the Criminal Justice System.

* $46,683 to Boys/Girls Club of Williams Lake for Future Forward: This project will target high risk Aboriginal youth who have had conflict with the justice system or are disengaged from school through addressing the criminogenic needs of participants through personalized mental health supports, training, skill building, cultural development and work experiences.

* $74,888 to The Native Courtworker and Counselling Association of British Columbia in Williams Lake for Out of Court Community Support Services Initiative: This initiative will provide wrap-around services to 20 Indigenous community members bound to comply with a probation order that has general and specific conditions, and engage with Justice professionals and community stakeholders to enhance coordination between sectors for the client.

* $24,992 to Boys/Girls Club of Williams Lake for It Matters: This project will provide services and reduce vulnerability of youth to human trafficking and sexual exploitation in schools, on reserve, and at the clubhouse through weekly school sessions, on-reserve sessions, and weekly It Matters dinners

* $30,000 to Tl'etinqox Government (Alexis Creek) for Learning on the Land Program: This project will create a community-owned Intergenerational Learning Plan to transmit culture and traditions from generation to generation and provide a nine-week program for 10-15 youth and six Elders to connect with each other and the land to revitalize Tsilhqot-in culture and traditions.

* $30,000 to Lh'tako Dene Nation (Quesnel) for Calling Back Our Spirit: This project will provide a series of five day workshops for members of the Lhtako Dene Band and surrounding Bands, with a focus on recovery, healing, and empowerment coaching.

* $30,000 to Lhoosk'uz Dene Nation (Quesnel) for Indigenous Healing and Rebuilding Cultural Camps: This project will provide Family and Youth Culture Camps to help participants connect with the land, rebuild their knowledge of lost culture, and heal from trauma, grief, loss, crime, or victimization.

* $22,618 to Carrier Chilcotin Tribal Council (Williams Lake) for Keyoh What'en, Dakelh Keyoh Hubughunek 'Ulhtus (Grease Trail Ride): This project will provide a five-day horse ride through the traditional Grease Trail for approximately 20 Indigenous youth/young adults, eight Elders/Knowledge Keepers, and two mental health support workers. They will arrive to a large Nation Gathering for an additional three days, with attendance expected at approximately 300 people, where youth will have the opportunity to share their stories and experiences with their families and community members.

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