Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Quesnel City Council Highlights - Apr 24th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

WeeMedical Wellness Center Business Licence Cancellation Reconsideration

Council approved staff’s recommendation to immediately cancel the Business License for WeeMedical Wellness Center due to the business:

Operating in non-compliance their Business Licence and Provincial Court Consent Order that required the business:
Cease from carrying out any business or other activity that is not permitted in that location under the zoning bylaw.
Cease from distributing or selling marihuana or cannabis within the City while sale is unlawful under federal, provincial or local enactments.
Ceasing to consume, possess, keep or store any marihuana or cannabis at the Company’s Quesnel premises.
Denying the request for a City Director and/or Bylaw Officer to inspect the Company’s Quesnel premises.
Marihuana and cannabis sales are prohibited under the zoning bylaw or in close proximity to a residential dwelling.

Proposed Elliott Street Supportive Housing Development

Council has set a Public Hearing date of 6:30 pm, Wednesday, May 30, 2018 at City Hall Council Chambers for BC Housing’s Supportive Housing development that would be located on 6 vacant lots within the 300 Block of Elliott Street. Highlights of the second proposal submitted includes:

Removed the short stay shelter and emergency shelter components of the development.
Will provide support services only to tenants who would reside at the development.
Has 32 units of supportive housing with space for staff, programming and common facilities on the first floor.
Floor plans will continue to be a three storey building, although the footprint may be reduced.
32 residential units will be self-contained one-bedroom units with full washroom and kitchen with shared common laundry rooms.

Next steps include:

Public Hearing – 6:30 pm Wednesday, May 30, 2018 at City Hall Council Chambers.
Once the Operator contract has been awarded, the exact needs for the first floor will be determined and finalized floor plans will be determined and the project form and character will be reviewed through the Development Permit process.

2018 Tax Rates Bylaws

The City has received final assessments from BC Assessment and tax rates from the other taxing authorities such as the Cariboo Regional District, the Municipal. Finance Authority, and BC Assessment with the resulting 2018 Tax Rates:

Average residence in Quesnel (valued at $185,116) will see an increase of $59.32 in the municipal tax portion of their property tax invoice, or $32.05 per $100,000 of assessment.
Commercial properties will an average increase of $101.11 per $100,000 of assessment.
Taxation levels were frozen for major and light industry properties for 2018 as part of the City’s tax framework.
The City is waiting to receive from the Province the 2018 School Taxes that will be added to the 2018 property tax invoices.

Mountain Bike Tourism

Council approved entering into a Community Partnership Agreement with the Cariboo Regional District, Gold Rush Cycling Club and the Cariboo Mountain Bike Consortium to develop and promote Quesnel as a Mountain Bike destination. Through this agreement, the parties will promote Quesnel as mountain bike tourism destination, engage local businesses and tourism associations to enhance the mountain bike experience, seek funding opportunities to support the growth and development of mountain biking in the area, and promote mountain biking as an economic driver in Quesnel.


1783 – Quesnel Lions Society Housing Agreement (255 McNaughton Avenue) – Final Adoption

1847 – Dakelh Housing Agreement (424 McLean Street) – Final Adoption

1848 – Official Community Plan Amendment – Elliott Street Supportive Housing Development – Set Public Hearing Date – 7 pm Wednesday, May 30, 2018 at City Hall Council Chambers

1849 – Zone Amendment – Elliott Street Supportive Housing Development – Set Public Hearing Date – 7 pm Wednesday, May 30, 2018 at City Hall Council Chambers

1850 – Five Year Financial Plan (2018 to 2022) – Final Adoption

1851 – 2018 Tax Rates – First, Second and Third

Next Meetings

7 pm, May 1 - Regular Council Meeting

7 pm, May 15 - Regular Council Meeting

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