Tuesday, April 24, 2018

SILGA 2018 starts today in Revelstoke!

With the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities (AVICC) and the Association of Kootenay Boundary Local Governments' (AKBLG) having completed their Conventions for 2018 -- it's the Southern Interior Local Government Association or SILGA's turn.

The SILGA Convention starts today at 12 noon (April 24th) beginning with Delegate/Non-Delegate Registration and conclude at 12 noon on Friday, April 27th in Revelstoke, BC

The Convention will include walking tours, pre-Convention/Convention Study Sessions and Speakers plus lots of networking time for registered SILGA Delegates.  The full Convention Guide can be viewed here

Also - SILGA Delegates will debate 24 Resolutions which cover a variety of topics from support for Fire Departments to Fibre Optic Infrastructure Support and if all the SILGA Resolutions are approved - they will proceed to the UBCM or Union of BC Municipalities Convention which will be held in Whistler, BC from September 10th - 14th.  Read the full 2018 Draft SILGA Resolution List here

SILGA represents a number of municipal councils (31) and 6 Regional Districts' in the Southern Interior

Future UBCM Area Association Conventions':

NCLGA (North Central Local Government Association) -- May 7-10th, 2018 in Fort Nelson, BC
LMLGA (Lower Mainland Local Government Association) -- May 9-11th, 2018 in Whistler, BC


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