Wednesday, May 16, 2018

2018 BC Beef Day

Courtesy of the Government of BC:

Barbecue fired up? Check. Tasty B.C. beef on the grill? Check. Big appetite at the ready? Check!

The day that is circled on many people's calendars is underway with the official proclamation of B.C. Beef Day at the provincial Parliament Buildings.

The celebration is about recognizing the ranching sector’s contribution to communities throughout the province, and acts as an unofficial kickoff to grilling season in B.C.

“B.C. Beef Day is an opportunity to recognize our province’s ranching sector,” said Lana Popham, Minister of Agriculture. “I’m excited to continue to work with the dedicated people who represent ranchers, farmers, and meat processors across BC. It is important to connect our consumers, restaurant industry, and tourism industry to this incredible B.C. product. Today, we celebrate the important contribution that B.C. ranchers make to our rural and urban economy.”

The Province has proclaimed May 16, 2018, as B.C. Beef Day, recognizing the partnership between government and industry stakeholder groups, including the BC Cattlemen’s Association, BC Association of Cattle Feeders, the BC Breeder and Feeder Association, and the BC Association of Abattoirs.

“B.C. Beef Day is a great day to fire up the barbecue and recognize ranchers for the hard work they do supplying a healthy, nutritious product for British Columbians,” said Brian McKersie, BC Cattlemen’s Association president. “It gives us an opportunity to meet with government to strengthen the partnerships, and discuss how we can grow our industry together for today and the future.”

In her remarks at B.C. Beef Day, Popham acknowledged the hard work of the sector, as it continues to recover from last summer’s wildfires. The governments of Canada and B.C. are continuing to provide support through AgriRecovery, and this includes making funding available for those ranchers who lost grazing land in fire-damaged areas.

The B.C. beef is being grilled at today’s barbecue by the award-winning team from House of Q. The beef was supplied by Meadow Valley Meats. The family-owned business in the Fraser Valley has been supplying meat products for almost 50 years.

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