Thursday, May 10, 2018

Abbott/Chapman Final Report on Response to BC Wildfires/Floods released

Earlier today - the final report of the George Abbott/Maureen Chapman on the review of BC's Response to Wildfires/Floods as a result of last year's wildfires/flood events was officially released... Click here.  The report contains 108 recommendations for the Provincial Government to consider

The Provincial Government has stated that it intends to review the report, act on some of the recommendations and develop an Action Plan to fully implement this report by October 31st, 2018.  Click here

One recommendation I was pleased with was the call to have the Office of the Fire Commissioner work with small communities that may have a volunteer fire department not aligned with a local government to build capacity for protect that community during emergency events, like wildfires.  The Cariboo Regional District has 9 such volunteer fire departments not aligned with the Regional District.  Such independent volunteer fire departments exists in Cariboo RD Electoral Areas D, E, F, G, H and L


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