Saturday, May 26, 2018

CCTA/SD27 Relations


Last November - the Cariboo-Chilcotin Teachers' Association (CCTA) passed a motion of non-confidence in the senior management of School District #27 and the local Board of Education.  In the motion, it expressed concerns around personnel practices, financial mismanagement and failure to follow the collective agreement. In response to the motion, SD27 Superintendent Mark Wintjes stated the union (CCTA) has several channels available to express their concerns and that he finds it “troubling” they chose instead to communicate through the media, not them, in an attempt to apply political pressure on School District #27 officials and went on to explaining what has been occurring in the best interest of students

At the direction of the Deputy Minister of Education - a Special Advisor was appointed (Dianne Turner) to look into the "motion of non confidence" from the CCTA.  The report of the Special Advisor references issues of poor relationships over many years, poor "tone at the top", governance issues, etc.  The Special Advisor tabled 12 recommendations covering subjects including further refining work on governance, visioning exercise, roles of Staff vis-a-vis the Board of Education among others

The full report from the Special Advisor can be viewed here (note: some sections were redacted for privacy reasons).

The Minister of Education directed the Board of Education to respond to the report no later than May 31st. Read the response of School District #27 here while School District #27 wrote its' own report entitled "An Inside Look at School District #27 which you can read here and a press release entitled "SD27 Report counters CCTA Accusations" - click here while CCTA speaks to this matter here

In a press conference held yesterday afternoon with SD27 Board Chair Tanya Guenther, SD27 Superintendent Mark Wintjes and SD27 Secretary-Treasurer Kevin Futcher - Superintendent Wintjes called the report of the Special Advisor "hopeful and positive & expressed hope that the report and its' 12 recommendations will move the district forward in a positive manner with stakeholders,” - click here

SD27 Board Chair (and Zone 2 Trustee) Tanya Guenther confirmed to the Tribune, upon being asked at yesterday's press conference, that she will not be seeking re-election this October. In addition, SD27 Zone 5 (WL Fringe) Trustee Sheila Boehm already announced that she would be seeking a seat on Williams Lake City Council in the Oct 20th election. SD27 Zones 1, 3, 6 and 7 Trustees have yet to publicly confirm their election plans for the Oct 20th local elections. Zone 4 is currently vacant after the resignation of former SD27 Zone 4 Trustee Christine Dyment

As a community member - the report of the Special Advisor and the responses of School District #27 and the CCTA indicate that there is a lot of work to do in order to get back to a collaborative state within the School District but I get the sense that all parties want to improve the situation in School District #27 and hopefully this occurs, both short and long term, as it is imperative all sides work together for the best interests of the students - School District #27 Students deserve nothing less...

This editorial is my own opinion and not that of my elected role as Cariboo Regional District Electoral Area 'D' Director


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