Thursday, May 3, 2018

CRD Board Highlights - May 2nd mtg

Present: Chair M. Wagner; Directors T. Armstrong, J. Bruce, J. Massier, S. Forseth, A. Delainey, J. Sorley, A. Richmond, R. William, B. Anderson, B. Coakley, B. Kuch, B. Simpson, W. Cobb and M. Campsall

Meeting agenda adopted and Minutes of the Apr 13th Board meeting received/adopted


Development Services:

1) The Board adopted Interlakes Area Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 5066, 2016 & South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5067, 2016 (Electoral Area 'L' - Jorgensen/Spreitzer)

2) The Board approved the following Development Variance Permits:

a) Electoral Area 'L' - DVP #5-2018 (Andever Holdings Ltd.) Floor Size amendment rejected and maximum height amendment approved
b) Electoral Area 'A' - DVP #6-2018 (Gamache/Michon)
c) Electoral Area 'A' - DVP #10-2018 (LeBlanc)

3) The Board approved for submission to the Provincial Agriculture Land Commission, an ALR Non-Farm Use Application in Electoral Area 'F' (Patenaude)

The CAO provided an verbal report as to recent activities of the activated CRD Emergency Operations Centre for flooding events in the Region

4) The Board received for information the Municipalities and Cariboo Regional District Building Statistics Reports for the month of March 2018

Community Services:

1) The Board approved submitting an NDIT Fabulous Festivals and Events Program Grant application in the amount of $5,000 for the Arts on the Fly event in Horsefly


1) The Board received a Request for Permissive Tax Exemption for Forest Grove Legion and directed Staff to bring forward the necessary Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw for consideration of the Board at a future meeting


1) The Board received the Consent Calendar, as of May 2nd

2) The Board received Reply Letters from BC's Education Minister re: Rebuild of Quesnel Jr Secondary School and Community Energy Association - FCM Grant Application Approval for Electric Vehicle Charging Network Project

Committee or Commission Minutes/Recommendations:

1) The Board received minutes of meetings of the following Committees or Commissions

a) Emergency Preparedness Committee - March 22nd
b) South Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus - April 9th
c) South Cariboo Joint Committee - April 9th
d) Committee of the Whole - April l2th
e) South Cariboo Regional Airport Commission - April 17th

2) The Board endorsed recommendations from the following Committees or Commissions

a) March 22nd Emergency Preparedness Committee -- Butterfly Effects Communications - 2017 Wildfires Consultation Report (Priority Ranking of Recommendations)

b) April 9th South Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus -- Water Tower Park / Rest Station - Request for Assistance ($3,000 per year for 3 years, funded from South Cariboo Economic Development Function)

c) April 9th South Cariboo Joint Committee -- 100 Mile Nordics (Request for Funding)

d) April 12th Committee of the Whole -- NSTQ Agreement in Principle Language (Request for Meeting with BC Aboriginal Affairs Minister); Cariboo Regional District Boardroom Technological Upgrades; Refuse Site Solar Lighting; Solid Waste Function Review (Feasibility of combining South Cariboo Solid Waste Service with Rural Refuse Service); Utility Billing (CRD Sewer Management Bylaw)

e) April 17th South Cariboo Regional Airport Commission - Renewal of Hangar License with 1124498 Alberta Ltd

Directors' Requests:

1) At the request of Director J. Bruce (Area B) - the Board authorized $1,500 from the Area B Director Initiative Fund to host public meetings within Electoral Area B

2) At the request of Director A. Richmond (Area G) - the Board authorized $500 from the Area G Director Initiative Fund to assist with costs to host a National Fire Smart meeting at the 108 on May 5, 2018

3) The Board agreed to submit the name of Chair Margo Wagner for nomination to the Northern Medical Programs Trust at its' AGM on Thursday, May 10th

4) At the request of Director S. Forseth (Area D) - the Board agreed to send a letter expressing disappointment in the new Employer Health Tax and its' budgetary impacts on local governments in the Cariboo-Chilcotin

5) The Board deferred a request, by a 7-6 vote, of Director Sorley concerning passing a Board Resolution to support the Provincial and Federal governments in their acts of apology and exoneration of the Tsilhqot’in Chiefs in the Chilcotin War of 1864

6) The Board discussed the upcoming 50th Birthday events at the CRD Rural Libraries.

Resolved - That the COW Meeting for June be moved to June 21st at 1pm with the June CCRHD/CRD Board Meetings be rescheduled to June 22nd at 9:30/9:45am, respectively

The Board received the report of the Chair dated April 30th, 2018

Directors' reported out on issues/events occurring in their Electoral Area or Municipality

Resolved - At the request of Directors Richmond/Bruce (Areas G/B) -- That the Board confirm appointments to the 108 Greenbelt Commission and the Electoral Area 'B' Advisory Planning Commission

Resolved - That the Board apply to the Province for a Order-in-Council to have the Provincial Fireworks Act apply to the Cariboo Regional District.  Board divided - Approved by the following vote:

Affirmative - Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Delainey, Sorley, Richmond, Wagner, William, Anderson, Coakley, Cobb and Campsall

Negative - Directors B. Kuch (Wells) and S. Forseth (Area D)

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