Friday, May 4, 2018

District of Wells By-Election Nomination Period Closes!

The 10 day nomination period for the District of Wells June 9th By-Election to elect 1 Mayor and 1 Councillor for the remainder of the 2014-18 term of local government has now formally closed

As of 4:30pm today, Elections BC reported the following candidates for the June 9th District of Wells By-Election (click here):

Office of Mayor:

1) Jillian Merrick (also a Prince George City Councillor)

Office of Councillor:

1) Mark Dawson - Resident of Barkerville
2) Kathy Landry - Resident of Wells
3) Buffy Rummel - Resident of Wells

At this stage - it appears that Councillor Merrick will be, subject to the usual 7 day waiting period between the unofficial to official candidate list, acclaimed as Mayor of Wells for the remainder of the 2014-18 Term while an election by voting is necessary for the 1 Councillor seat on the District of Wells Council which will proceed on Saturday, June 9th

The District of Wells has yet to release the unofficial candidate list.  The official candidate list will be released on Monday, May 14th and the District of Wells's Chief Election Officer will officially determine on this date if an election by voting is necessary or election by acclamation is so determined


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