Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Quesnel Council Highlights - May 1st mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Early Childhood Education BC – Children’s Charter of Rights
The Early Childhood Education of British Columbia is a professional organization that Early Childhood Educators can belong to. The local Quesnel chapter of this organization aims to:
  • Support Early Childhood Educators to inform the broader community about their work; and
  • Build respect for Early Childhood education and educators.
Jenna Turner and Lonnie Bidder, Early Childhood Educators highlighted the following background information of a Children’s Charter:
  • A Children’s Charter is a statement by a community that states how children are valued; as young citizens rather than objects of care and charity.
  • A Children’s Charter gives children a voice; policies developed by the City impact all of its citizens and we are all working toward growing good citizens.
  • The inspiration for local communities to have their own Children’s Charters comes from the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) which is still the most widely ratified international human rights treaty in history. It is legally binding. Canada played a leading role in developing the convention and it was ratified here in 1991.
Next steps include the Executive Committee to discuss public consultation/public engagement of a proposed Children’s Charter for Quesnel.
City’s 2018 Road Rehabilitation / Overlay Paving Program
Council approved the following 2018 Road Rehabilitation/Overlay Paving projects:
$81,000 - Doherty Drive (from Doherty/Ritson to end)
$94,700 - Willis Street
$35,700 - Pierce Crescent (from Patchett to top of hill)
$89,300 - Shepherd Avenue (400 Block)
$51,400 - Sargent Street
$24,800 - Lazzarin Street
These projects were selected with consideration given to road base condition, traffic use, and the underground utilities not needing replacement in the near future. The projects on residential streets are recommended due to road base being in reasonable condition and a “cap” of asphalt now would save the complete rebuild of the road prior to complete base failure.
2018 Façade Improvement Grant Program
The City has been provided up to $20,000 in grant funding from the Northern Development Initiative Trust for eligible businesses to use towards updating their business façades. So far, the City has received three applications for the downtown business area. The deadline to submit a business façade improvement application to the City’s Development Services department is May 31, 2018.
2018 Tax Rates
A summary of the final 2018 tax rates for the average family residence in Quesnel was provided to Council showing 2017 2018 comparisons for total local government/regional/provincial taxes and total water/sewer/garbage utilities. The average household assessed at $185,116 can expect to see a tax increase of $110.52 for combined taxes and utilities in 2018 from 2017.
Development Permit Variance Denied
Council denied the request from two businesses, Westroad Resource Consultants and Dragon Lake Vet Hospital, to not pave the areas in front of the two buildings located at 2344 and 2372 Larch Avenue. However, Council did grant an extension to pave these areas to November 1, 2019. The paving requirement is part of the original Development Permits that were approved in 2016, where Council did grant a variance to waive the requirement of paving the areas around the sides and rear of the buildings.
  • 1851 – 2018 Tax Rates – Final Adoption
Next Meetings
  • 7 pm, May 15 – Regular Council Meeting
  • 5:30 pm, May 22 – North Cariboo Joint Committee

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